Structure & Logic of This Book – Chapter XV

Although Nazi Germany was the creation, product and a ‘baby’ primarily of one individuals (genius, actually) – Adolf Hitler, it was build and shaped by many others. Hundreds and thousands of others, in fact. Therefore, to understand Nazi Germany one must understand these influential characters

Hence, for the fifteenth chapter, I selected twenty such individuals and presented their biographies in sufficient detail. I did not pronounce moral judgements on their decisions or actions (let alone on them personally), but I did pronounce legal judgements when appropriate. In other words, if and when one of these individuals committed a crime, I explicitly said so (i.e., called a criminal a criminal).


Structure & Logic of This Book – Chapter XIV

There are so many theories and so much speculation on ‘Nazi occultism’ (and surprisingly so much genuine research on this issue) that I simply had to write this chapter (chapter fourteen, to be exact).

First, I will thoroughly investigate (and pronounce a verdict) on an actually, very important issue – whether National-Socialism was a neo-pagan religion. Then I will describe in reasonable detail the ‘occult scene’ (organizations, events, prominent individuals, books, mass-media, etc.) in the Weimar republic and in Nazi Germany.

As the Nazi Germany was essentially the Führerstaat – Führer’s State – I will then investigate the attitude of Adolf Hitler to the occult and his relationships with the occult organizations and individuals (if any).

Again, there is so much speculation and so many theories on Himmler’s occult activities that I simply have to devote a special section of the book to his relationships with the occult scene (if any) and his occult activities (ditto).

Obviously, I will cover in reasonable detail two probably most widely known objects – the Ahnenerbe organization and the Wewelsburg castle.

As well as (of course) general relationships between the Nazi government and the occult, the SS and the occult and the Party and the occult.

Structure & Logic of This Book – Chapter XIII

In Weimar Republic, the Christian Church (Catholic and Protestant) was a mighty political and social force. A force to be reckoned with. Consequently, the Nazis could not and would not have successfully performed the reengineering of Germany (the ‘Nazi Revolution’) without building and maintaining proper relationships with the Christian Church. Proper from their perspective, of course.

Hence, in the thirteenth chapter of my book, I will cover these relationships in the appropriate detail. Including relationships with His Holiness Pope Pius XII. Who for me is Saint Pius XII. Because he – for all practical purposes – saved the Holy Roman Catholic Church from a complete destruction.

I will cover relationships between Nazis and the Church both in the Third Reich and on the occupied territories, with the Greek and Russian Orthodox Churches, with Islam and with other religious denominations.

Structure & Logic of This Book – Chapter XII

Although (as I have demonstrated earlier), the overwhelming majority (some say over 95%) of Germans wholeheartedly supported the Nazi regime (and I explained why), there was the anti-Nazi resistance. Which must be comprehensively identified and properly analyzed.

Hence, in the twelfth chapter of the book I will do just that. I will identify all key resistance groups – the aristocrats, the Wehrmacht generals and officers, the conscientious objectors, the non-violent protesters (e.g. White Rose group), the rescuers of Jews (‘the other Germans’), the spies (e.g. Die Rote Kapelle) etc.

I will cover in a reasonable detail all assassination attempts on Hitler’s life and other assassinations (e.g. of Ernst vom Rath in Paris that led to Kristallnacht). Obviously, a separate (and the biggest) section will be devoted to the unsuccessful July 20th coup and its aftermath.

Structure & Logic of This Book – Chapter XI

As I have demonstrated in chapter 10, numerous heinous war crimes and crimes against humanity have been committed during World War II. There were enough crimes of enough magnitude to warrant the establishment of the International War Crimes Court to properly investigate these crimes, prosecute the criminals, try these cases in open court, reach and pronounce the verdict and administer the appropriate punishment.

Hence, in chapter eleven of my book, I will cover the war crimes trials in Europe (the trials of Japanese war criminals are for obvious reasons outside the scope of this book).

First, I will demonstrate how it should have been done to make sure that (1) the justice have been served; (2) that the genuine criminals have been identified, persecuted, convicted and received the appropriate punishment for their crimes and (3) that there have been no miscarriages of justice.

Then I will show, analyze and discuss how it has been done (what was done right and what was done horribly wrong) starting with the ‘main’ Nuremberg Trial and subsequently covering other war crimes trials. Mostly in Germany and mostly in the immediate post-war period.

I will prove beyond the reasonable doubt that the ‘main’ Nuremberg Trial was a typical example of ‘victors’ justice’. And although some justice has been served (some criminals did get what they deserved and some innocent defendants have been acquitted), that trial was essentially a political tool that the victorious Allies used for their own political purposes. Which, alas, resulted in several cases of a terrible miscarriage of justice.

To right these wrongs of the ‘main’ Nuremberg Trial, I will conduct my own investigation of the defendants and will pronounce my own verdicts. Which in some cases are identical to the ones by the judges of the Trial and in some cases are markedly different.

Structure & Logic of This Book – Chapter X

The Holocaust was by far the most heinous crime committed during the World War II. However, there were a number of other war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during the same time period (and not only by the Nazis). The tenth chapter of the book will present, discuss and analyze them in reasonable detail.

I will start with the infamous Aktion T4 – the mass murder of mentally ill individuals in Nazi Germany. In the next section I will cover another mass murder – that of over 3.5 million Soviet prisoners of war by the Nazis.

I will cover the infamous ‘hostage directive’ and the brutal anti-guerrilla activities of Wehrmacht and Waffen SS that resulted in the mass murder of over six million civilians (mostly on the occupied territories of the Soviet Union). As well as horrible medical experiments in Nazi concentration camps.

As well as the Nazi genocide of Roma and Sinta people, persecution of homosexuals, plunder of the occupied territories, the slave labor program and the other war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the Nazis.

Then I will cover crimes committed by the Japanese (mass murder of about six million Chinese – the ‘third Holocaust’) and the activities of the ‘unit 731’ that conducted medical experiments on humans which were far, far more horrifying than those conducted by the Nazi doctors.

But I will not ignore crimes committed by the victorious Allies – the Katyn massacre, the incessant carpet bombing of German and Japanese cities (deliberate mass murder of civilians), the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the rape and plunder of Germany by the victorious Red army.

And, of course the mass deportation of ethnic Germans from the Soviet Union, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Romania (which resulted in over 2 million dead and 14 million deported – right during the Nuremberg trials) as well as the Bloody Sunday in Bromberg – the first war crime in WW2 (committed by Poles, not by Germans). And the little-known Volyn massacre – mass murder of ethnic Poles by Ukrainian nationalists.


Structure & Logic of This Book – Chapter IX

The Nazis committed horrible crimes against humanity – this is a cold hard fact. And obviously the most heinous crime by far is The Holocaust – the systematic murder of about six million Jews (I ran my own estimates of the number of victims using two different methods and have no reason to doubt the ‘official’ number).

Therefore, the whole chapter nine will be devoted to a detailed analysis of this terrible crime.

I will begin the chapter by putting The Holocaust in a proper perspective. More specifically, I will demonstrate that The Holocaust was not a unique crime but one of the about twenty genocides and democides perpetrated in the XX century – the ‘genocide age’. Definitely the worst if you take into account all attributes of a genocide, but not unique at all.

Then I will prove beyond the reasonable doubt that there was nothing specifically German in The Holocaust at all. That this genocide was caused by the accumulation of a ‘critical mass’ of several different factors by the end of June 1941. The resulting explosion obliterated six million Jews from the face of the Earth.

One of these factors was the European antisemitism (Judeophobia, to be more precise) that persisted for millennia. I will cover in reasonable detail the pre-Christian (pagan) Judeophobia, antisemitism in the Holy Roman Catholic Church, in the Anglican, Protestant and Orthodox Churches and the secular and the ‘grassroots’ Judeophobia in Europe.

I will discuss (and debunk) the infamous Protocols of the Elders of Zion and other anti-Semitic frauds and hoaxes. I will also prove beyond the reasonable doubt that the Jews (at least on a per capita) basis were (and still are) the most valuable nation on Earth that made the largest contribution (per capita) to a human civilization.

Then I will cover the ‘road to Holocaust’ that began right after the Armistice in November 1918 and ended in the last week of June of 1941 with the first mass murders committed by the SS Einsatzgruppen and the volunteers from the Baltic states just occupied by the yet victorious Wehrmacht.

Including the pre-1933 anti-Semitic activities of NSDAP, SA and SS, the persecution of Jews in pre-war Nazi Germany (1933-1939) and during the first two years of the Second World War. Including the infamous Nuremberg Laws, the Kristallnacht and other events and activities.

Then I will proceed to the presentation and analysis of the Final Solution (The Holocaust proper). Including activities of Einsatzgruppen in the occupied territories of the Soviet Union, the infamous Wannsee Conference and the establishment of extermination camps in Belzec, Treblinka, Sobibor, Chelmno and later Auschwitz. As well as lesser-known camps Majdanek, Maly Trostinets and others.

I will also prove beyond the reasonable doubt that although the Nazis were mostly actual perpetrators of this genocide, they received significant support from volunteers (citizens of occupied territories of Baltic countries, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland and other nations). Specific section will be devoted to the genocide committed by the Ustaše in Croatia.

I will also prove that the Allies (especially the UK and the USA) could very well have prevented the Holocaust – but deliberately chose not to. The neutral nations also could have saved many thousands of Jews – but also chose to do nothing. Obviously, I will cover the infamous Evian conference and other missed opportunities (e.g. the Madagascar Plan) to save a large number of Jews.

I will devote a separate section to the activities (or lack of thereof) of the Holy Roman Catholic Church (and specifically His Holiness Pope Pius XII), And to the activities of the Protestant and the Orthodox Churches.

The last section will cover a little-known genocide that (fortunately) did not happen. I will prove (again beyond the reasonable doubt) that Joseph Stalin intended to commence ‘Holocaust 2.0’ during the first week of March 1953 and only his very timely death (murder, actually) saved millions of Soviet Jews from complete annihilation.

Structure & Logic of This Book – Chapter VIII

All structures and activities of any government are ultimately about one and only one thing – making their citizens happy. In other words, making happy the daily lives of their citizens. And I will prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the Nazi Germany was very successful in this respect (by law, only Germans by blood could be German citizens).

To do that, in chapter eight I will present, analyze and discuss (as usual, in reasonable detail) the daily life of residents (not only German citizens) in Nazi Germany.

The elites, the middle class and the poor; the urban and rural population; workers and managers; men and women; families, parents and children; in peacetime and in wartime (the latter will obviously include the description and analysis of the food rationing system and the black market among other issues).


Structure & Logic of This Book – Chapter VII

Chapter seven of the book is structurally similar to the previous chapter, because it presents, analyzes and discussed another Nazi system – the one that the latter established for administration of occupied territories.

It covers the activities of the government entities and offices, the military administration, the SS and Security Police activities, the Party organizations as well as relationships between the occupying powers and the local population and activities of collaborators (of which there were surprisingly a lot) and the resistance movement (and the anti-resistance operations of Wehrmacht, police and the SS).

Obviously, the chapter will cover administration of both Western and Eastern occupied territories (which were vastly and fundamentally different).

Structure & Logic of This Book – Chapter VI

To successfully perform the quantum leap (the ‘Nazi Revolution’), the Nazis had to develop a huge, complicated and comprehensive Nazi System. Which included the Party (NSDAP), the government (at all levels), the legal and judicial system, the SS and other paramilitary organizations, the state police and security system (including the infamous Gestapo, SD, the police proper and the whole RSHA), the military (Heer, Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine, Abwehr and Waffen-SS), the economy (industry, agriculture, banking and finance and the services sector), education (including Hitlerjugend and BDM), culture, the infamous propaganda machine and other key components.

Each of these components (and the system as a whole) will be properly analyzed in a uniform way in the sixth chapter of the book. Specific attention will be paid to synergy (both positive and negative) between the components of the Nazi System.