Structure & Logic of This Book – Chapter V

The Third Reich was supposed to last for a thousand years. It lasted for only twelve. The Second World War killed it. Hence the fifth chapter of this book is devoted to a reasonably detailed description of this global conflict (for obvious reasons, limited to European theater of operations).

It will cover the real origins of World War II, the first (and very successful) blitzkrieg campaigns of German Wehrmacht (defeat and occupation of Poland, Belgium, The Netherlands, France, Denmark, Norway, Albania, Greece, Yugoslavia), the aerial Battle of Britain, the no less successful beginning of Operation Barbarossa (probably the most impressive military campaign in history), the first ever defeat of the previously invincible Wehrmacht in the Battle of Moscow, the resulting war of attrition that ultimately (and inevitably) resulted in the collapse of the German Armed Forces and the Nazi Germany.

In this chapter I will prove beyond the reasonable doubt that the Allies did not win the war. The Nazi Germany lost it. More specifically, Adolf Hitler lost it. By making not just one, but the whole string of disastrously wrong decisions.

In a separate section, I will present a “what-if” scenario (a bit of alternative history, if you will). What if Hitler won the Second World War? The results will undoubtedly surprise you.


Structure & Logic of This Book – Chapter IV

Nazis successfully performed a comprehensive reengineering of Germany in record time, achieving truly spectacular results. But they considered their very successful Nazi Revolution only a first step towards the establishment of a Thousand-Year Reich. Of which they had a certain more or less (probably rather less than more) clear vision.

Which did influence even their short-term (let alone medium-term) plans, objectives, decisions and actions. Consequently, to properly understand these decisions and actions, you must have a clear picture and a thorough understanding of their long-term vision. And, of course, of the Nazi ideology. Although (contrary to a very popular misconception) the Nazis were very pragmatic and chose (developed actually) their ideology (and symbols) to fit their long-term objectives (not the other way around as is usually thought).

Therefore, the fourth chapter covers the long-term Nazi vision (of a Thousand- Year Reich), their ideology and their symbols (Swastika, Balkenkreuz, SS runes, etc.).


Structure & Logic of This Book – Chapter III

As I mentioned earlier, the Weimar Republic was unceremoniously sent to the dustbin of history because it could not satisfy the needs and desires of the German people.

Consequently, the Nazi Germany that replaced it, had a very simple choice – satisfy the needs and desires of German people or follow the Weimar Republic into oblivion. The Nazis (obviously) chose the former – and succeeded against all odds, overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles and solving seemingly impossible problems.

To achieve these phenomenal results, the Nazis (not surprisingly) had to perform a comprehensive reengineering of Germany. In other words, an across-the-board Nazi Revolution.

Which will be presented, analyzed and discussed (in reasonable detail) in the third chapter of this book. It will cover the Nazi revolution (and its truly spectacular achievements) in industry, agriculture, banking and finance, foreign trade, services sector, public works, social life, the military, foreign policy, science and technology and in other key areas.

As well as the truly draconian measures that it undertook (and why) to achieve these incredible results. Essentially transforming the democratic Weimar Republic into a totalitarian Führerstaat.

Structure & Logic of This Book – Chapter II

Adolf Hitler was a genius – no doubt about that. But even that was not enough to create the unique Nazi state (actually, the Nazi civilization) without the influence of very powerful external events and forces.

Consequently, the second chapter will cover (in a reasonable detail) these events and forces that stimulated the establishment of Nazi Germany – the Great War (World War I), the Armistice, the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the subsequent establishment of the Stalinist Soviet Union, the November Revolution of 1918, the Great Hunger caused by the Blockade of Germany by the Entente powers, the Treaty of Versailles, the economic crisis and hyperinflation of 1921-1933, the Great Depression of 1929-1933, the general failure of Weimar Republic to satisfy the needs of its citizens and, of course, the Reichstag Fire that for all practical purposes finally delivered the fatal blow to the latter.


Structure & Logic of This Book – Chapter I

Nazi Germany was a product, a creation, a ‘baby’ of one individual – Adolf Hitler. Therefore, you can not understand Nazi Germany without first understanding its Fuehrer.

Consequently, the very first chapter of this book contains a reasonably detailed presentation, description and analysis of Adolf Hitler. His personality, his family, his childhood, his youth, his battlefield experiences in the Great War, his life as an outcast for two years after the Armistice, his joining the NSDAP and becoming its Führer, his relentless pursuit of absolute power in Germany, his becoming the Reichskanzler of Weimar Republic and then – the Führer of the whole Germany, his decisions and actions as the Supreme Commander of the Wehrmacht during World War II, his downfall and suicide on April 30th, 1945 in Berlin.

A special section of the chapter will be devoted to a reasonably detailed analysis of his book – Mein Kampf (a ‘Nazi Bible’ of sorts). I will also briefly discuss an unexpectedly popular conspiracy theory of Hitler surviving the calamities of the Soviet capture of Berlin and fleeing to Argentina (or some other distant place).