The Spanish Flu and Coronavirus Pandemic


Late 1917. The Spanish Flu epidemic begins. Looks like history is repeating itself (more precisely, God is repeating himself).

In 1917 world faced the existential threat of Bolshevism (the “Red Plague”). Right after this threat emerged in November of 1917, God started the flu pandemic (which is now believed originated… in China).

One year later, one mysterious occult group (the Thule Society) founded DAP – German Workers’ Party. Which subsequently became NSDAP – the Nazi Party. Slightly less than two years later, one Adolf Hitler joined DAP and two years later became its Führer. The Führer who subsequently created a totally unique (and mighty) civilization – the Third Reich.

Which fought and won the existential war with the Bolshevist hordes and saved the Western (and the whole human) civilization from being invaded, occupied and destroyed by the Bolsheviks led by the “Red Tamerlane” Joseph Stalin. And thus from being transformed into a very literal Hell on Earth.

True, this war was won at an enormous (and largely unnecessary) price and the Nazis committed horrendous crimes against humanity (which was not only unnecessary but actually detrimental to their Divine Mission). But still, they did win that genuinely existential war.

Today, the human civilization faces the existential threat again – this time it is the “Green Plague” of radical political imperialist Islam. And again, like 103 years ago, God arranged for a flu pandemic that… originated in China.

Treaty of Versailles


June 28th, 1919.  The Treaty of Versailles is signed in what is now a suburb of Paris.

I completely and wholeheartedly agree with those historians who consider the Treaty of Versailles the worst and the most gargantuan blunder in human history. Not just in modern history – but in the whole human history.

Never ever before in human history the gap between what could (and should) have been done and what has actually been done was so enormous (gargantuan even) – and catastrophic.

The Treaty of Versailles could (and should) have prevented the Second World War – but didn’t. Worse than that, it assembled placed and set the time bombs that in just 20 years triggered the most murderous and destructive military conflicts in human history.

The war killed up to 85 million people – possibly even more, which constituted over 3% of the estimated world population in 1939. And caused enormous, colossal destruction of civilian infrastructure in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.

All these horrors could (and should) have been prevented in Versailles in 1919. But were not – thanks to unbelievable, enormous, colossal stupidity (idiocy even) of the leaders of the “principal Allied powers”.

The Treaty of Versailles could (and should) have prevented the establishment of totalitarian, criminal and murderous regimes – Communism, Nazism and fascism. These regimes killed an estimated 120 million people. All these deaths could have been prevented in Versailles – but were not.

After World War II, West European and North American nations established a solid and highly efficient security and war prevention system in Europe. This system could (and should) have been established in Versailles in 1919 – but wasn’t.

All Allied leaders acted like complete idiots and morons – especially Woodrow Wilson, absolutely the worst and the most destructive president in the history of the United States. He committed not one, but two blunders – entering the Great War on the Allied side and subsequently signing the Treaty of Versailles.

The totally moronic vision for the future of Europe implemented in this treaty rested on the following four cornerstones: (1) radically weakening Germany; (2) creating a bunch of small European states on the territories taken from Germany and Austro-Hungarian Empire at gunpoint; (3) making France the dominant power in continental Europe; and (4) completely ignoring the Bolshevist Russia – apparently considered way too weak to play an important role in Europe.

The reality turned out to be radically different (hence the idiocy of the vision presented above). Soviet Russia turned out to be not just the biggest problem for Europe, but the existential threat for the whole Western civilization.

France had neither the desire nor the ability to be the dominant power in continental Europe (let alone the “European sheriff”). And Britain very quickly came back to its senses, recognizing that it needed a “healthy rivalry” between Germany and France (roughly equally powerful nations on the continent). And so did the United States.

Worse, France, Britain and the United States had to acknowledge and accept that the only power capable of protecting Europe from the “Bolshevist hordes” was a powerful Germany (actually, a European political, economic and military superpower) led by ruthless – and highly capable – Nazis. The Nazis who (unfortunately for “all of the above”) wanted the German territories back…

Actually, the disastrous failure of the Treaty of Versailles (the worst such failure in human history) was not surprising at all. The Treaty was built on two fundamental lies – the lie that Germany was responsible for the outbreak of the Great War (in reality, the war was triggered by Russia and Serbia) and the broken promise (i.e. another lie) that if Germany surrendered, it would have been treated fairly, leniently and respectable by its victorious opponents (it wasn’t).

Even worse, Germany was forced to sign this murderous, unfair and humiliating treaty at gunpoint – under threat of continuing Blockade of Germany and the resulting Great Hunger. Which predictably led to Hitler’s commitment to securing the Lebensraum in the East – and thus to colonial wars with Poland and the Soviet Union.

Not surprisingly, the shock (and quite a shock it was) of the Treaty of Versailles made a critical contribution to the Transfiguration of Adolf Hitler. Transfiguration which most likely happened sometime during the first week of July of 1919.

His Timeline – the “Micro-Biography” of Adolf Hitler (8)

Armistice 1918November 11th, 1918. The Armistice is signed between the defeated Germany and the victorious Allied Powers (minus Russia, of course – the latter lost its war with the Central powers).

By that time, the military situation for Germany was already absolutely hopeless – it was abandoned by all its allies who have signed their armistices with the Allied powers. And thus had to fight the overwhelming forces of their enemies alone. Which was, obviously, a military suicide.

Bulgaria was the first to acknowledge its defeat and to sue for peace. It signed the Armistice of Salonica on September 29th, 1918. Knowing that the “domino effect” was inevitable, on the very same day (right after the news of this betrayal – let’s call a spade a spade) became public, the German Supreme Army Command informed Kaiser Wilhelm II and the Imperial Chancellor Count Georg von Hertling, that the military situation facing Germany was hopeless. Cut and dry, plain and simple, loud and clear.

Exactly one month later – on October 30th – another German ally (the Ottoman Empire) capitulated, signing the Armistice of Mudros (the harbor on the Greek island of Lemnos).

A week before that, on October 24th, the Italian Army (yes, in the First World War Italy fought on the side of the Allies against Germany – and so did Japan) began an offensive that culminated in the Battle of Vittorio Veneto, which marked the end of the Austro-Hungarian Army as an effective fighting force – and triggered the disintegration of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

During the last week of October, declarations of independence were made in Budapest, Prague, and Zagreb. On October 29th, the day before the Ottoman Empire capitulated, the Austro-Hungarian government asked Italy for an armistice.

The armistice was signed on November 3rd, in the small town of Villa Giusti, near the Italian city of Padua. Austria and Hungary signed separate armistices as by that time the Habsburg Monarchy (and thus the Austro-Hungarian Empire) ceased to exist.

Betrayed by all of its allies (which was caused by the hopeless situation that each one of them faced due to the decisive military successes of the Allied armies), the Imperial Germany had no other choice but to ask its adversaries (Britain, France and the USA) for an armistice.

Which was signed on 11 November, at 5:00 am, in the Compiègne forest. At 11 am on 11 November 1918—”the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month”—a ceasefire came into effect. The Great War was finally over.

For Adolf Hitler – and many thousands of his comrades-in-arms – all of this was simply inconceivable. He could not comprehend how his beloved (and seemingly all but almighty) Germany lost the Great War.

Especially given the indisputable fact that the German Army was, indeed, the best in the world; that it won the war on the Eastern Front; that not one enemy soldier ever set foot – and not a single shot exploded – on the German soil.

So he (and hundreds of thousands – if not millions – of his comrades-in-arms) predictably subscribed to the “stab-in-the-back” theory of how and why the German Empire lost the First World War.

This theory widely believed and promulgated in right-wing circles in Germany after 1918, stated that the German Army did not lose World War I on the battlefield but was instead betrayed by the civilians on the home front.

Namely, by the Jews (who had been blamed for any and all disasters for at least a millennium), the Marxists (i.e. the Social Democrats and other “cultural Bolsheviks”) and especially the republicans who overthrew the Hohenzollern monarchy and established the Weimar Republic (which the German right passionately hated).

Unlike in the October Revolution in Russia, in Germany the Jews did not play the key role in the November Revolution – it was a very much German project. However, the Weimar Constitution (i.e. the legal foundation of the Republic) was drafted by Hugo Preuß – a German lawyer and liberal politician… and a Jew.

Apparently, this fact was enough for Adolf Hitler and the Nazis to consider the November Revolution (and the whole Weimar Republic) an important part in the “global Jewish conspiracy” to destroy Germany, Europe and the whole Western civilization as they knew it. Which 23 years later led to catastrophic consequences for Jews in Greater Germany and on the German-occupied territories.

After Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933, they made this legend an integral part of their official history of the Great War, portraying the Weimar Republic as the creation of the “November criminals” (Novemberverbrecher) who stabbed the nation in the back to seize political power.

The latter charge was true and correct, of course, as the primary objective of all “Weimar politicians” (actually, of every politician in every country) was to seize and maintain political power. Everything else is secondary – and usually but a means to this end (ironically, Adolf Hitler was one of the very few exceptions).

However, the question of how and why Germany lost the Great War (especially after the decisive victory on the Eastern Front) is a very interesting one – and the answers turn out to be not as simple and straightforward as the “mainstream” historians want us to believe.

One reason for losing the Great War is crystal clear and painfully obvious: the German imperial government completely botched its relationship with the United States of America.

Instead of keeping the USA out of the Great War (which for German diplomats was a difficult – but not impossible – objective) they essentially forced (first and foremost, with a genuinely insane Zimmerman telegram) the American entry into the war on the Allied side. Which predictably tipped the scales in favor of the latter and led to the crushing defeat of the Central Powers.

Other key reasons boil down to the answer to the genuinely existential (for the Imperial Germany that is): “Did the Central Powers have the resources to win the Great War?

There is still a lot of debate among historians on that issue. After carefully studying it for some time, I came to a firm conclusion that the only correct answer to this existential question is “Yes. Yes, the Central Powers did have enough resources to win the Great War – and were able to keep the United States out of it”.

Consequently, the Central Powers lost the Great War because the government of Imperial Germany – the informal leader of the former – did not find the way to use these resources efficiently enough to win the war.

Consequently, although the was a substantial opposition to the war in Germany (as it was the case in all nations that fought the Great War), the Central Powers lost the war not because of the mythical “stab-in-the-back” (aptly called in German Dolchstoßlegende – the “dagger stab myth”), but because of the insufficient competence of the German leadership in utilizing resources available to them.

Including, obviously, in motivating their human resources – and demotivating the human resources of their opponents. The Allied powers did a much better job on both counts which became one of their key success factors in the Great War.

Adolf Hitler did a far better job as the leader of the Third Reich… but only on three counts. He crushed all dissent and kept both his troops and his civilians highly motivated until the end of the Third Reich.

He also kept his soldiers and his civilians far better supplied than his predecessors in the Great War. However, to achieve that objective, he committed heinous war crimes – which was obviously out of the question for the Kaiser and his Imperial government.


His Timeline – the “Micro-Biography” of Adolf Hitler (7)

November Revolution

November 9th, 1918. The November Revolution in Germany which did away with monarchy, the Second Empire and transformed the Imperial Germany into a republic. The Weimar Republic.

Contrary to what Adolf Hitler (and the Nazis) believed, the November Revolution in Germany was not really unique. In fact, all empires that were defeated in the Great War – German, Austro-Hungarian, Russian and Ottoman – went through revolutions that did away with the corresponding monarchies and empires in 1917-22 (Ottoman Sultanate was abolished in 1922 and the empire was dissolved a year later). Russia went through two consecutive revolutions in just eight months – the democratic one in March of 1917 and a totalitarian (Bolshevist) one in November.

The only uniqueness of Germany was the fact that it was an ethnically homogenous country (compared to all other abovementioned empires). Consequently, unlike all others, it did not disintegrate (it lost territories not due to the revolution but as the result of an “armed robbery at Versailles”).

In terms of modern management theory, each of these revolutions was nothing less than a radical reengineering of the existing political, government and even social system. And it is a well-known fact that to undertake such a radical reengineering, one must have some very compelling reasons to do so.

One of the reasons for a radical reengineering of ethnically heterogeneous empires (Russian, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman) was obviously the desire of smaller nations (Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarians, Finns, etc.) to create their very own independent nations. Many (if not the majority) of Austrians wanted the same thing, although a significant number of them favored unification with Germany.

This burning and overwhelming desire (obsession even) was practically the only factor in Austro-Hungarian Empire, the dominant one in the Ottoman Empire, the secondary one in Russia… and did not exist at all in Germany –ethnically homogenous nation.

The Second Reich was brought down by Germans (both the “common folk” and the elites) for a reason which was practically the singular one in Germany, the dominant one in Russia and a minor one in both Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empires.

This reason (factor) consisted of two very much deadly sins – hatred (wrath) and fear. Hatred for the existing political and government system and its embodiments (i.e. the monarch) for its real or perceived wrongdoings and fear that – if allowed to exist – it will make things worse for the population of the country in question. Much worse. Radically worse.

It is an indisputable fact that you can not build a happy future (or anything long-lasting for that matter) on deadly sins of fear and hatred. Consequently, it is no surprise that the hapless Weimar Republic met its miserable demise mere 15 years after its establishment.

As did the Third Reich – also built on fear and hatred (12 years after its establishment) and the Bolshevist Soviet Union (ditto) that lasted for 74 years as Stalin turned out to be a far more efficient leader and statesman than Adolf Hitler. Maybe because the former was a bureaucrat (i.e., government manager) and the latter – a political entrepreneur (the latter is a far riskier occupation).

Germans and Russians hated their monarchies and monarchs for very obvious (and mostly correct) reasons. First, both the Kaiser and the Tsar lost the Great War (at the time of the corresponding revolutions it was obvious for just about everyone that the war was hopelessly lost).

Second, living standards of the population radically plummeted. Worse than that, in both nations food shortages (believed to be the result of government incompetence) led to a genuine hunger. The hunger that was killing the populations by tens of thousands every month.

The government (and the monarchs) were perceived by the overwhelming majority of the population (top to bottom of the social ladder) as incompetent and corrupt. And so were the respective governments. The government incompetence charge was correct in both cases while the corruption one in Germany was not. Which did not help the Second Reich at all.

Both the Germans and the Russians were (understandably) afraid – scared almost to death, actually – that the existing government system will inevitably lead to a genuinely catastrophic defeat in the war (which was not the case in either nation) and a further radical decline in living standards (ditto).

Hence, a radical reengineering of existing political and government systems in both Russia and Germany was probably not a very good idea. In Russia, the transformation of the country into a Western-style constitutional monarchy would have been sufficient (although Nicholas II had to be replaced by someone at least a little more competent)

In Germany there was no need to dispense with The Kaiser, the monarchy and the empire at all. It was all pure emotion – which predictably led to genuinely catastrophic consequences both in the short and in the long term.

The November Revolution of 1918 was one of the defining events in the life of Adolf Hitler as his ideology, his program, his plans, his decisions and his actions in the next decades were to a very significant extent determined by his overwhelming desires to undo the (real and perceived) damage done to Germany by the “November Criminals” as he and other Nazis called the leaders of the Weimar Republic.

By November of 1918, Adolf Hitler was already a quintessential “Army Man”. Consequently, for him it was unthinkable even to contemplate (let alone attempt) to overthrow the government and the leader of the nation during the time of war (and at the time of the Revolution Germany was still at war with the Allied coalition). For any reason whatsoever.

Consequently, for Adolf Hitler the November Revolution was the act of a high treason – regardless of the intentions of the revolutionaries. Consequently, all its participants (let alone leaders) were traitors and criminals who deserved the only punishment he considered sufficient. Death.

These were his perceptions of the November Revolution – and, as any competent psychologist would confirm, perceptions are the only reality…


His Timeline – the “Micro-Biography” of Adolf Hitler (6)

325px-Hitler_and_FuchslJuly 17th, 1918. The deposed Russian Emperor Nicholas II is murdered by the Bolsheviks – with his family and servants. The order to kill the Tzar and his family came directly from the Bolshevist leader Vladimir Lenin – it was a revenge (cut and dry, plain and simple) for the execution of Lenin’s elder brother Alexander Ul’yanov thirty years earlier.

Although Adolf Hitler was no monarchist (his ideal system of government was the Führerstaat), he was horrified by this horrendous crime. Because it meant that was really nothing sacred for the Bolsheviks – and thus they had to be prevented from coming to power at all cost.

Another fact that undoubtedly made a powerful impact on Adolf Hitler was the nationality of the leader of the firing squad that killed Nicholas II, his family and their servants.

This individual – Yakov Yurovsky – was Jewish. The fact that Yurovsky publicly repudiated his Jewish roots by being baptized Lutheran did not make any difference to Adolf Hitler whatsoever.

For him the very fact that the murder of the Russian Emperor was planned, organized and executed by a Jew, proved beyond the reasonable doubt that (1) it was a Jewish “ritual murder”; and (2) that Bolshevism was, indeed, a key part of Jewish conspiracy to destroy the Western Civilization as he knew it.

Both conclusions were, of course, utterly and completely wrong; however, they became one more “layer of snow” that 23 years later will trigger the “Holocaust avalanche”.

August 4th, 1918. Adolf Hitler receives Iron Cross First Class – a decoration rarely awarded to one of Hitler’s Gefreiter rank (one had to do something really outstanding – well above and beyond the call of duty – to earn it).

Which Adolf Hitler did – Hitler’s Iron Cross First Class was awarded after an attack in open warfare during which messengers were indispensable (message delivered by Adolf Hitler in time and under heavy enemy fire saved more than a hundred lives). Given the fact that this decoration was the only one that Hitler wore for the rest of his life, he was very proud of his achievement and bravery on that day.

Curiously enough, Hitler received this award on a recommendation by Lieutenant Hugo Gutmann, Hitler’s Jewish superior (commanding officer). When Adolf Hitler came to power, he protected Gutmann from persecution and helped him emigrate first to Belgium and then to the United States.

August 18th, 1918. The Thule Society – a mysterious occult group – is founded in Munich. All evidence points to an inescapable conclusion – the society had but one objective: to provide Adolf Hitler with the “critical mass” of resources to launch his stellar (for 22 years) career of a political entrepreneur – the most successful one in modern history.

Indeed, the Thule Society provided Adolf Hitler with highly valuable connections and associates, money, the newspaper… and even carried out (sometime during the summer of 1919) his transfiguration from essentially a nobody (an outcast, a misfit a loser with zero managerial experience or aspirations) into a political and administrative genius – the most successful political entrepreneur and statesman in modern history.

More than that – the Thule Society set up the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP – German Workers’ Party), which was later reorganized by Adolf Hitler into the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP or Nazi Party).

According to Hitler biographer Ian Kershaw, the society’s “membership list … reads like a Who’s Who of early Nazi sympathizers and leading figures in Munich”, including Rudolf Hess, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank, Julius Lehmann, Gottfried Feder, Dietrich Eckart, and Karl Harrer.

September 28th, 1918. Adolf Hitler miraculously escapes death for the third time (fourth, if you take into account the Slaughter of the Innocents at Ypres).

On that date, one Henry Tandey (the most highly decorated British private of the First World War) encountered a lone German soldier near the French village of Marcoing.

Tandey got an impression that the German was wounded – to the point of being unable to raise his rifle – and, being a man of honor, chose not to shoot. That soldier was… Gefreiter Adolf Hitler.

In 1938, when Neville Chamberlain (then Prime Minister of the United Kingdom) visited Hitler at his alpine retreat (the Berghof) for the discussions that ultimately led to the infamous Munich Agreement, Hitler allegedly told him about the incident:

That man came so near to killing me that I thought I should never see Germany again; Providence saved me from such devilishly accurate fire as those English boys were aiming at us

According to the story, Hitler asked Chamberlain to convey his best wishes and gratitude to Tandey (which the latter apparently did). Since then, every unsuccessful assassination attempt only strengthened Hitler’s belief in being under protection of the Almighty Providence. As long as he fulfils his (at the time yet unknown) Divine Mission.

October 15th, 1918. Adolf Hitler is poisoned by the mustard gas (ironically, a German invention), temporarily blinded and shipped to a hospital in Pasewalk. There he finds out that he suffered a permanent damage to his eyesight that would make it impossible for him to become a painter (let alone an architect).

It is well-known that “sometimes not getting what we want is a wonderful stroke of luck” – or an Act of God, if one believes in the latter. And that when God permanently closes one door, He at the very same moment opens another – to a much better future.

It is not known whether Adolf Hitler thought about it that way, but nevertheless God (by closing the door to painting and architecture) opened for Adolf Hitler the door into politics. The door that in twenty years will make him the most successful political entrepreneurs in modern history.


His Timeline – the “Micro-Biography” of Adolf Hitler (4)

main-qimg-48397f70823234fd7523228d2821bc79-cSeptember 1914. The British Navy establishes the Blockade of Germany. Its objective was (obviously) an effort to restrict the maritime supply of goods to the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire).

The Blockade of Germany is generally believed to be one of the key ingredients of the Allied victory in the Great War – and in forcing Germany to accept humiliating and devastating terms of the Treaty of Versailles.

It is also believed to be one of the key factors that caused the November Revolution in Germany that did away with the monarchy and the German Empire (the “Second Reich”) and gave birth to the Weimar Republic.

The German Board of Public Health in December 1918 estimated that about 750,000 German civilians died from starvation and disease caused by the blockade up until the end of December 1918. An additional 100,000 people may have died during the continuation blockade in 1919.

These horrors made Adolf Hitler make a firm commitment of Adolf Hitler to make sure that they never, ever happen again to his beloved fellow Germans. And thus became the driving force for his quest for Lebensraum in the East – colonial wars determined by him and other Nazis to be the only way to make Germany self-sufficient in foodstuffs and basic strategic materials.

November 1914. Adolf Hitler receives Iron Cross Second Class. His first major battle was the First Battle of Ypres (19 October – 22 November 1914), which the Germans subsequently aptly labeled the “Kindermord bei Ypern” (“Ypres Massacre of the Innocents”.

Approximately 40,000 men (between a third and a half) of nine newly-enlisted infantry divisions became casualties in just 20 days. Hitler’s regiment entered the battle with 3,600 men and at its end mustered just 611. In other words, the regiment lost four out of five men (83%, to be more precise). Hitler’s 1st company of 250 was reduced to just 42 men standing, suffering the same level of losses.

In that massacre simply staying alive was a very impressive achievement, but Adolf Hitler did much more than that. He demonstrated outstanding bravery and results which earned him Iron Cross Second Class – no small feat in German Imperial Army.

The fact that he survived when four out of five of his comrades-in-arms perished in battle (and not just survived but achieved something worthy of a prestigious decoration) was for Adolf Hitler the second proof that the Almighty God (or Providence) was watching over him – and wanted him to achieve something genuinely significant.

After the battle, was assigned to be a regimental message-runner – a very important job as lives of hundreds (and sometimes thousands) of German soldiers and officers – and a major tactical success – often depended on the timely delivery of the message from battalion or regimental HQ.

For the same reason the job was highly dangerous as the message runner was a high-priority target for enemy snipers and assault teams that operated behind the German lines.

October 7th, 1916. Another miraculous rescue from a certain death. On that date, near Bapaume in France, during the Battle of the Somme (one of the bloodiest battles in human history) Gefreiter Adolf Hitler was getting a well-deserved rest with his comrades in the dispatch runners’ dugout.

For some reason he decided to briefly leave the bunker … and in a minute after he left, the French shell hit the dugout instantly killing everyone inside. This time, Hitler did not escape unscathed – he was wounded in his left thigh and had to spend two months in a military hospital at Beelitz in the German state of in Brandenburg.

This incident provided another proof for Adolf Hitler that he was, indeed, protected by the Providence – as long as he is working on his (yet unknown) Divine Mission.

March 17th, 1917. The (incorrectly labeled as one) February Revolution in Russia (which actually happened in March of that year) forced the Russian Emperor Nicholas II to abdicate, ending the 304-year rule of Romanov dynasty in Russia and transforming the last absolute monarchy in Europe and in the civilized world into a democratic (sort of) republic.

By itself, this revolution had only a local importance; however, it became a blueprint for the November Revolution in Germany (and in Austro-Hungary) that did away with two monarchies (in German and Austro-Hungarian), one empire (Austro-Hungarian) and created a short-lived Weimar Republic.

It created several independent states (Poland, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia) and – which is the most important by far – paved the way to power in Russia for the Bolsheviks.

March 17th, 1917. The United States of America enters the Great War tipping the scales decisively in favor of the Allies (and thus against Germany and other Central Powers).

The German government brought this disaster on itself in January of thatb year with the infamous Zimmermann Telegram (also called Zimmerman Note or Zimmerman Cable). The telegram was issued the German Foreign Office (it was signed by the German Foreign Secretary Arthur Zimmermann) and proposed… a military alliance between Germany and Mexico.

The telegram was intercepted, decoded and made public by British intelligence (it is considered probably the most significant intelligence triumph for Britain – and not only during the Great War).

The Zimmerman Telegram became that proverbial “straw” that finally broke the back of the American “isolationist camel”, already enraged by (wildly exaggerated) reports of atrocities in Belgium in 1914, the sinking of RMS Lusitania in 1915 (and the unrestricted submarine warfare declared by German Navy).

Still, the American decision to enter the Great War on the Allied side was a blunder of genuinely galactic proportions – probably the worst in human history. Indeed, it led to the establishment of the two most murderous regimes in human history – the Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union and to the Second World War – the most destructive and homicidal military conflict in the history of mankind.

By the end of 1916, it was painfully evident that the Great War was at a stalemate – in other words, neither side had the resources for a decisive victory. In addition, the war was not exactly popular on either side.

Consequently, the United States should have used its immense diplomatic power to convince both the Allied and Central powers to accept this uncomfortable reality. And to broker the peace treaty that would have return European borders to May of 1914.

Which would have (definitely) saved 100+ millions of human lives, prevented the Second World War from ever breaking out and (highly likely) saved the Russian, German and Austro-Hungarian empires (and monarchies).

His Timeline – the “Micro-Biography” of Adolf Hitler (3)

Hitler_1914_1918June 28th, 1914. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and Franz Ferdinand’s wife Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, are assassinated in Sarajevo.

The assassination is carried out by Mlada Bosna – a Bosnian terrorist organization, created, directed, armed and financed by the Black Hand (a terrorist Serbian organization).

The Black Hand was created and led by Colonel Dragutin Dmitrijevic (“Apis”) who already committed an assassination of a royal couple – Serbian king and queen in 1903. The Sarajevo assassination was also organized, financed and coordinated by the Black Hand. The ultimate objective of the latter was to break off Austria-Hungary’s South Slav provinces so they could be subsequently annexed into a Greater Serbia (Yugoslavia).

However, the Black Hand was itself but a pawn in a far bigger game planned and initiated by the Russian military intelligence and a Russian “party of war” led by the foreign minister Dmitry Sazonov.

The primary objective of this party was to destroy Austro-Hungarian Empire and to make Russia a dominant force in Eastern Europe. Consequently, the actual leaders of the plot that led to the Sarajevo assassination were Dragutin Dmitrijevic and Nicholas Hartwig – the Russian ambassador in Belgrade (two real “shadow” rulers of Serbia).

To break up the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Russia and Serbia had to start a war with the former. Destruction of the Austro-Hungarian Empire was unacceptable to Germany – without the Austrian ally it was inevitably “the next on the menu”. Consequently, the war with Austria automatically meant war with Germany as well.

Russian and Serbian plans were tacitly (and implicitly) supported by France that needed the war with Germany to get back Alsace and Lorraine (annexed by victorious German Empire in 1871).

France also wanted to radically weaken Germany – and thus to become a dominant force in Western Europe. Consequently, the ultimate (albeit implicit and very much unofficial) objective of Russian-French military alliance was to divide Europe between these two great powers – with France dominating the West and Russia dominating the East. Which automatically made war between France and Germany inevitable – and very much desired by the former.

Therefore, Russia planned and executed (using Serbian and Bosnian terrorists as its pawns) the Sarajevo assassination plot with but one objective in mind – ignite an all-European war. Which, indeed, was ignited by the “Sarajevo bullets”.

Hence, this assassination made the Great War inevitable and the three culprits responsible for this horrendous disaster are Russia, Serbia and France (roughly in that order, although it is quite possible that the “Serbian tail” was wagging the “Russian dog”).

August 1914. Germany declares war on Russia and France… or so it seems at the first glance.

After it became obvious that the Sarajevo assassination was carried out by Serbian nationals, on July 23rd, Austria-Hungary issued an ultimatum to Serbia.

The latter accepted all Austrian demands… with the exception of just one that demanded investigation of the plot by the Austrian police. For an obvious reason – any impartial investigation would have uncovered the undeniable fact that the assassination was ordered by the Serbian government.

Which automatically meant war with Austria (imagine what the USA would have done had it discovered that the Mexican government had ordered the assassination of the Vice-President of the USA and his wife). Which began on July 28th, 1914 with the Austrian army and Navy starting to shell Belgrade.

On the same day, Russia started partial mobilization (which made no sense whatsoever). Recognizing its mistake, two days later – on July 30th, the Russian Emperor Nicholas II announced the full mobilization of the Russian armed forces.

Which, according to the international law, was a de-facto declaration of war on Austro-Hungarian Empire and Germany. Consequently, in reality Russia declared war on Germany and Austro-Hungary, not the other way around.

The next day (on July 31st, 1914) Austria-Hungary and Germany announce full mobilization of their armed forces as well, thus de-facto acknowledging the fact that they were at war with the Russian Empire.

However, the German government made a last-ditch (and a totally hopeless) attempt to avoid the war by demanding that Russia cancels its full mobilization within twelve hours.

It was all in vain – Russian leaders wanted the war so German demand was simply ignored. To grab the initiative in the inevitable conflict (always a smart thing to do) Germany declared war on Russia on August 1st with Austria-Hungary following suit five days later – on August 6th.

France (predictably) ordered full mobilization in support of Russia on the next day after Germany declared war on Russia – on August 2nd. Which means that de-facto France declared war on Germany, not the other way around (the general mobilization is irreversible and for all and every practical purposes means war).

Recognizing that it was de-facto at war with France, Germany demanded free passage through Belgium, an essential element in achieving a quick victory over the latter. When this demand was (predictably) refused, on the next day the German Army invaded Belgium anyway. On the same Germany declared war on France.

Fearing (correctly) that without its support (especially the one from the mighty Royal Navy) France will lose the war and Germany will become the dominant power in continental Europe (something the His Majesty’s government was determined to prevent at all costs), on August 4th Britain declared war on Germany (formally in compliance with its obligations under the 1839 Treaty of London with Belgium). On August 12th, Britain and France declared war on Austria-Hungary (just to make the whole thing official).

Given the fact that both Britain and France were gigantic colonial empires (and that Great Britain was the head of the de-facto British Commonwealth which included Canada and Australia), what was essentially the war between two neighboring nations – Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Kingdom of Serbia (the latter being very much a terrorist state) – in a matter of a few days was transformed into the genuine World War.

De-facto ignited and started not by Germany and Austro-Hungary (who were victims, not culprits, prey, not predators), but by Serbia, Russia and France – the real predators and culprits and the ones responsible for the outbreak of the Great War.

August 1914. Adolf Hitler enlists in the Bavarian (i.e. German) Army. Obviously, Hitler was not aware of all intricate details of the plot that led to the Sarajevo assassination and to the outbreak of the Great War.

However, he did understand (or at least feel) that for the German Empire (the “Second Reich”) it was a genuinely existential war – that losing the Great War would have meant the end of Germany as he knew it. As it turned out four years later, he was one hundred percent correct in his assessment and predictions.

Adolf Hitler did not care a rat’s ass (pardon my French) about the Austrian-Hungarian Empire (he knew it was doomed anyway – war or no war). However, he cared very much about his beloved Germany of which he was a genuine, committed and passionate patriot.

Adolf Hitler was not perfect (to put it mildly) – but, unlike most politicians, he always walked what he talked and practiced what he preached. He knew that in the times of war (especially the existential war) his place was in the trenches.

So he overcame two practically impossible obstacles (he was not a German citizen and he was officially declared unfit for military service) and enlisted in the 1st Company of the Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment 16 (the famous “List Regiment”).

The “official” version of his success is that Hitler almost certainly was enlisted through an error on the part of the German military. Later (during Hitler’s trial after the failed Beer hall Putsch), the military authorities could not explain why he was not deported back to Austria in 1914 after he failed his physical exam for the Austrian Army; they concluded that the matter of Hitler’s citizenship was simply not raised, thus he was allowed to enter the Bavarian Army.

I thinks that this explanation is bunk (pardon my French again). In reality, Adolf Hitler either convinced the appropriate authorities that he was a patriot of Germany, not Austria – and thus wanted to serve the former, not the latter (possibly). Or (much more likely) simply bribed them. Or both.

The “Black Singularity Event” of 1914


The Second Existential War (existential for the human civilization that is) between God and Satan – a “proxy war” of course – began roughly in 1845 when Satan acquired his first “human weapon” (out of tens of millions). Karl Marx who has just “snapped” after being stripped of his Prussian citizenship and thus became an outcast par excellence.

However, for almost 70 years this war was latent (“cold” if you will). It became open (i.e. “hot”) on a very specific date – June 28th, 1914 when one Gavrilo Princip, a member of the very much terrorist organization Mlada Bosna (“Young Bosnia”) shot and killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne, his wife Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg.

Which was a so-called “Black Singularity Event”. By definition, a Singularity Event (more precisely, a Social Singularity Event as opposed to Technological Singularity Event) is an incident that radically changes the human society – and even the whole human civilization.

Such events are quite rare (for obvious reasons). In the 20th century, there were only two such events – the “Black” event on the abovementioned date and the “White” event almost twenty years later – on February 27th, 1933 (the Reichstag Fire).

The “Black” event was very much inspired by the Devil while the “White” one (which was a reaction to the first one of sorts) by the Almighty Christian God. Who actually used the first one in His existential war against Satan (the latter always does God’s job one way or the other – although, obviously hates it).

The change was radical indeed – the abovementioned assassination made the First Great War inevitable (more about that in a moment) and this war led to the demise of all three land empires – Austro-Hungarian, Russian and the Ottoman (the latter created a horrible mess in the Middle East which is an enormous pain in the butt even today), collapse of the Imperial Germany, establishment of the Bolshevist dictatorship in Russia (and the Nazi one in Germany), Stalin’s attempt to conquer the world, Hitler’s “Lebensraum Endeavor” and the Second Great War – the most devastating war in human history.

Satan’s objective was cur and dry, plain and simple, loud and clear – give the Bolsheviks unlimited power over the immense, mammoth, gargantuan resources of Russia (human, material, industrial, scientific, technological, etc.) and thus the ability to do what Satan wanted all along.

Invade, conquer and destroy the human civilization as we know it (“clearing the place” for building his kingdom on Earth) and annihilate the Christian Church thus removing the spiritual defenses which prevented the Devil from entering our world and transforming it into a very literal Hell on Earth.

However, Satan (like God) has no other hands but ours to do what he wants to be done. This time, he had not one hand available to him, but four. Bosnian national-terrorists, Serbian mini-imperialists, Russian Imperialists and French revanchists (roughly in that order).

Contrary to a very popular misconception (created in 1919 by the “criminals of Versailles”), neither Germany nor especially Austro-Hungarian Empire wanted the all-European war. For a very simple reason – it was an unacceptably risky endeavor.

A multinational and multicultural Austro-Hungary had very serious difficulties keeping itself together even in the times of peace so the strain of war would inevitably tear it apart (which it did). Thus radically weakening Germany making its defeat in the European war inevitable (and that’s exactly what happened).

By 1914 the military union of France and Russia was so strong that going to war with the one inevitably meant triggering the war with another. And, very possibly, with mighty Great Britain for which German hegemony in Europe was unacceptable.

Which meant the war on two fronts deemed unwinnable (actually disastrous) by Otto von Bismarck – the de-facto founder of the Second Reich and a highly respected political and military leader.

The “other side”, however, had very powerful incentives to go to war – worthy of the risks (which they considered acceptable). Bosnians wanted independence for their Muslim nation (which they did not get); the Serbs wanted to establish a Greater Serbia – a mini-empire of Slavic nations on the Balkans (which they got, albeit under a different name – Yugoslavia); the Russians wanted to destroy Austro-Hungarian Empire and radically weaken Germany to become a dominant power in the Balkans and in the Eastern Europe (and the Ottoman Empire to get control over the Bosporus Straight and ideally Constantinople)… and the French wanted to get Alsace-Lorraine back and to dominate the Western Europe (continental Europe, of course).

The key individuals that triggered this “Black Singularity Event” were Sergey Sazonov (Russian Foreign Minister and the informal head of the “party of war” in Russia), Nicholas Hartwig (Russian Ambassador in Belgrade and a de-facto ruler of Serbia), Colonel Dragutin Dimitrijevic (a.k.a. “Apis”) – head of the Serbian military intelligence and of the Black Hand secret terrorist society (which created, armed and run Mlada Bosnia – as well as planned and executed the Sarajevo assassination) and Danilo Ilic who was the guy who coordinated this whole thing.

Dragutin Dimitrijevic was no stranger to regicide – on 11 June 1903, the group stormed the royal palace and killed both Serbian King Alexander and his wife Queen Draga. So there is little (if any) doubt that he was the mastermind of the Sarajevo assassination.

Which he publicly acknowledged during his trial in Thessaloniki in 1917 where he got a well-deserved (many times over) death sentence which was promptly carried out by a Serbian firing squad. He admitted that he essentially acted on Russian orders which made his conviction of treason very appropriate.

The four driving forces behind the Sarajevo assassination were Bosnian nationalism (made even more powerful by the Muslim radicalism), Serbian mini-imperialism, French desire for revenge against the Germans and the Russian imperialism.

Which was but a modern-day manifestation of Russian Messianic Orthodox Imperialism – a key component of “Satan’s fusion bomb”.