The Right Perspective on Heinrich Himmler and the SS (22)

The end of the Third Reich was The End for Adolf Hitler – he had nothing left to live for. Hence, although there is still no forensic confirmation (i.e., via DNA testing) that Der Führer, indeed, committed suicide on April 30th, 1945 in his bunker, there is no doubt that he did. Especially given the fact that he was so sick that he could barely move – let alone escape to Argentina via a highly inhospitable territory, to put it mildly.

Not so for Heinrich Himmler – he still could move… to South America, for example, buy a chicken farm there (he definitely had enough hard currency at his disposal)… and immerse himself in studies of the occult (much like Karl Maria Wiligut – his advisor on these matters – did after being discharged from the Austrian Army in 1919).

However, The Black Sun Society had a very different vision of Himmler’s postbellum future. As I have already demonstrated, these characters thought in terms of centuries, not years; consequently, for them the collapse of the Third Reich (and the SS) was but a minor setback.

Especially given the fact that both Hitler and Himmler created extremely powerful egregores – of the Third Reich and the SS respectively. Egregores that could significantly influence the egregore of human civilization (and thus our whole world). And, consequently, could be very profitably used by The Black Sun Society – such organizations know how to work with these invisible, intangible, but extremely powerful spiritual entities.

We obviously do not know (and will most likely never know) who approached Heinrich Himmler on behalf of The Black Sun Society. Most likely, it was someone close enough to Himmler to be granted the audience with the SS-Reichsfuhrer but still of a sufficiently low rank to be practically invisible.

Possibly, someone from Himmler’s Personal Staff which has been thoroughly infiltrated by the “Black Sun Agents” long before. Or Ahnenerbe. Or someone from RSHA (i.e. Ausland-SD). The possibilities are many.

The “Black Sun Agent” informed Himmler about his dim future… and offered to make it much, much brighter. Obviously, delivering some proof that The Black Sun Society can, indeed, deliver on its promises.

In exchange for Heinrich Himmler becoming (again) the leader of an organization somewhat similar (at least in numbers) to the SS he inherited from his predecessor in 1929.

Of the Die Neue SS (its actual name could very well be different, of course) – commonly and incorrectly known as ODESSA. Organisation der ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen, – Organization of Former SS Members (as if there could be such a thing as a “former SS member”).

The “Black Sun Agents” offered to transfer sufficient amounts of “Nazi loot” (at the time controlled by the SS) and to smuggle sufficient number of SS professionals to create a viable and highly efficient structure.

Including, of course, Heinrich Himmler and some of his close associates (Heinrich Muller, Hans Kammler and Odilo Globocnik immediately come to mind). Obviously, the manhunt for such “horrible criminals” would be ruthless, determined and with worldwide scope so deaths (i.e. suicides) of “all of the above” had to be arranged.

And that’s exactly what happened. It is important to note, that these activities of The Black Sun Society had nothing to do with so called “Ratlines”. Ratlines were a (rather vast) system of escape routes for Nazis and their allies fleeing Europe in the aftermath of World War II.

These escape routes mainly led toward havens in Latin America, particularly Argentina though also in Paraguay, Colombia, Brazil, Uruguay, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Guatemala, Ecuador and Bolivia, as well as (much less frequently) to the United States, Spain and Switzerland.

There were two primary routes: the first went from Germany to Spain, then Argentina; the second from Germany to Rome to Genoa, then South America. The two routes developed independently but eventually came together.

The ratlines were supported by clergy of the Catholic Church (the primary “Ratlines manager” was one Alois Hudal – an Austrian Catholic bishop Alois Hudal, the rector of the Pontificio Istituto Teutonico Santa Maria dell’Anima in Rome, a seminary for Austrian and German priests, and “Spiritual Director of the German People resident in Italy”.

It is inconceivable that such an extensive operation could have been set up and operated for years without knowledge and explicit permission from Pius XII who run the Holy Roman Catholic Church pretty much like a totalitarian state.

Why would he do it after the war when it was obvious that the value of these unsavory characters in the “fight against Bolshevism” was zero at best (actually, it was negative as the Nazis and their allies consumed valuable resources and the Western Allies had enough of everything to fight and win the Cold War)?

The answer is simple – Heinrich Himmler and other clients of The Black Sun Society had enough kompromat (damaging information) on Catholic Church and its officials.

It is a little-known fact that the Nazi Germany (for political, not humanitarian or legal reasons) was the only country in Europe that seriously investigated and prosecuted “sexual indiscretions” of Catholic priests (including, but not limited to, sexual abuse of minors).

In the process accumulating a lot of highly damaging information. IMHO, this information was the primary reason why Pope Pius XII kept silent about the Holocaust and other Nazi crimes – and helped thousands of Nazis escape post-war prosecution.

The whole “Ratlines project” (which commenced its operations right after the end of World War II in Europe in May of 1945) was most likely a personal venture of Heinrich Himmler.

The Black Sun Society did not need Ratlines as to start Die Neue SS, it need a few dozen very specific individuals whom it could take care of on its own. It most likely used a (very convenient) Catholic disguise for its “clients”, but it did not need the Church for that – it could (and did) manufacture everything it needed on its own.

Needed to start Die Neue SS. This time tightly integrated with The Black Sun Society – the latter was determined to not repeat its mistakes of the 1920s.

Now what would The Black Sun society need Die Neue SS for?

The Right Perspective on Heinrich Himmler and the SS (21)

After July 20th, 1944 plot failed miserably (and predictably – Wehrmacht generals were no putschists and neither were the civilian members of anti-Nazi resistance), it became painfully obvious to Heinrich Himmler that his chances of ever replacing Adolf Hitler as Der Führer (and thus of making peace with Western Allies) are exactly those of a snowball in Hell (if not lower).

Hence, he was left with but three options – die heroically in hopeless battle take his own life or have his life taken from him by a British, American or Soviet hangman (after a humiliating trial). If he makes it to the trial, of course – with his resume even this deadly outcome was obviously not guaranteed.

The obvious alternative to these unhealthy options was to escape from Nazi Germany… somewhere and start there a new life (i.e. on a chicken farm which he initially planned to have).

There were, however, several seemingly insurmountable obstacles. First, it was necessary to somehow prepare this escape – and to it clandestinely, because had Adolf Hitler got even a hint of such preparations, Himmler would have been immediately arrested, tried and hung as a traitor on a piano wire (the standards method of capital punishment for traitors in Nazi Germany).

And as he had a lot of powerful enemies in the Reich, the chances of Hitler being informed about these attempts, were significant. Especially given the fact that Himmler did not need enemies for this to happen.

Unlike Himmler (and Heydrich), just about all SS members (including those in Himmler’s inner circle), worshipped Hitler like a demi-God. And thus (at least in summer of 1944) were completely confident that he would (again) perform a miracle, save the Third Reich and win the war. Consequently, for them the very idea of planning an escape from Nazi Germany during the war was… well, treason.

Besides, Himmler had simply way too much on his plate to devote the necessary time and effort to engineer his escape. In addition to being the SS-Reichsfuhrer, he was now the Minister of the Interior, Reichsleiter, Reich Commissioner for the Consolidation of German Nationhood… and from July 21st, 1944 (i.e., the next day after the failed coup) the Commander of the Replacement Army.

Consequently, he had no time to plan and engineer his escape… and no one trustworthy and capable to task with this genuinely existential endeavor. So the situation seemed all but hopeless.

And then, sometime in very late July – or in a very early August – the agents of The Black Sun Society showed up on his doorsteps. Dressed, most likely, in the impeccable feldgrau of the SS.

The Right Perspective on Heinrich Himmler and the SS (20)

Heinrich Himmler was one of the very few Nazi leaders who did no worship Adolf Hitler. For a very simple reason – he knew too much about Der Führer from the files he inherited from the political police of the Weimar Republic.

The second one – and for the same reason – was Himmler’s deputy and probably closest associate Reinhard Heydrich (Himmler’s brain is Heydrich there was a common saying in the SS), head of SD, the intelligence department of the SS (he actually delivered these files to Himmler).

Himmler’s attitude to Der Führer was pragmatic – the SS-Reichsfuhrer viewed his boss as but a stepping stone to his ultimate dream: acquiring the absolute power in Germany and building the Ordensstaat 2.0. The SS-Staat. His very own Reich (the Fourth Reich, if you will).

And there was only one way to achieve this objective – wait until the Wehrmacht generals (sooner or later) inevitably depose – and murder – Adolf Hitler and then snatch the power from the hands of hapless generals (who were no match politically to Heinrich Himmler).

Although the SS (SD, Gestapo, etc.) were prohibited from spying on Wehrmacht, its generals were so pathetic in trying to conceal their coup preparations that Himmler knew far in advance about everything they planned to do (it appears that he was also well-informed about the assassination attempts such as one by Georg Elser on November 8th, 1939).

Unfortunately for him, Himmler was not aware that he could defeat the generals only with the supernatural assistance (guidance and energies mostly) of The Black Sun Society (the Wehrmacht was simply way too powerful to be defeated with ordinary, “natural” tools).

Heinrich Himmler (for many reason) did not take supernatural powers seriously and consequently committed the same mistake as his boss in 1920. De-facto severed himself from The Black Sun Society. Hence it is no surprise at all that all his own “coup attempts” (of sorts) came to nothing. Nothing at all.

After the Western Allies successfully landed in Normandy on June 6th, 1944, it became painfully obvious that the war for Nazi Germany was over. The Third Reich lost it.

Himmler intended to use the July 20th, 1944 coup to get rid of his boss, take power in Germany (at the time there was no competition to speak of) and negotiate peace with Western Allies. Offering them an alliance against the “existential Bolshevist threat”.

Unfortunately for him, by that time it was already way too late. After they invaded France, the Allies would agree only on unconditional surrender as they were confident that rather sooner than later, they would defeat Nazi Germany anyway (their aggregate superiority was simply enormous – and thus decisive).

The “anti-Bolshevist alliance” (i.e. joining the Anti-Comintern Pact) made sense for the USA, Britain and their allies in 1941, but not in 1944. Because by the latter date Bolshevism no longer was an existential threat to the Western Civilization (thanks, actually, to German Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS).

Unlike prior to the start of Operation Barbarossa, the Red Army was completely dependent on Allied supplies (i.e. on lend-lease program) for its war effort; so it simply could not fight with the latter.

It lost fat too many men and far too much of its industrial and economic capacity was destroyed. Besides (unlike Nazi Germany), the Soviet Union was totally defenseless before the Allied Air Forces – it simply had neither radars nor fighter aircraft capable of protecting against B-17, B-24 and Lancaster aircraft (let alone the B-29 strategic bomber).

The frontline situation also would have been disastrous – the Red Army was vulnerable even to depleted Luftwaffe (especially the ground attack versions of FW-190 fighter). The Allied Mustangs, Thunderbolts and especially the Typhoons would have decimated everything that the Red Army could field.

And, of course, the Allies had immeasurably better logistics and their overall “troops management system” was far superior to the Soviet one. Oh, and Allied generals and officers were far more competent than their Soviet counterparts (and their soldiers far better trained and skilled fighters).

Hence, there was no reason, no reason at all for the Allies to form an alliance with Nazi Germany – especially under Heinrich Himmler (given the “track record” of both in war crimes and crimes against humanity). None whatsoever.

The Right Perspective on Heinrich Himmler and the SS (19)

Did Adolf Hitler know that he was chosen, programmed, supported and, yes, used by the Thule Society? Of course he hid – as he was provided with the organization (DAP), money, training, mentoring, connections, key personnel… and even the newspaper – the (in)famous Völkisher Beobachter.

Not to mention the transfiguration performed on him by the magicians of the Thule Society (i.e. The Black Sun Society); transfiguration that made him (an outcast, a loser, a nobody) one of the most gifted political entrepreneurs in human history.

From the functional perspective this assistance (actually, his partnership with the Thule Society) made complete sense; however, emotionally it was unacceptable for him – he was much too independently-minded for that. No surprise here – this trait is quite common among entrepreneurs.

So he made the most gargantuan blunder in his life (and ultimately a suicidal one) – severed all ties between by that time practically his DAP and the Thule Society (and thus with The Org and with their ultimate handler – The Black Sun Society).

Obviously, he was not aware of the existence of the latter two, but, being a powerful mystic, definitely felt (or at least suspected something). Hence his ruthless persecution of esoteric, occult and neo-pagan groups after he acquired dictatorial powers in Germany (and his adamant opposition to activities and project of the esoteric/occult nature pursued by Heinrich Himmler).

Did Heinrich Himmler know that he was chosen, programmed, supported and, yes, used by The Black Sun Society? I do not think so – definitely not until August of 1944 when this society revealed itself to SS-Reichsfuhrer.

The Thule Society was a prominent member of the alliance that crushed Bavarian Soviet Republic in early May of 1919 and Heinrich Himmler at the time was a proud member of Freikorps Oberland, established by the president of the society – Rudolf von Sebottendorf.

So he obviously knew about the existence of the Thule Society and a thing or two about its objectives, ideas, principles and activities. However, at this time he was way too young (he was just eighteen) and still way too Catholic to apply for membership in the Thule Society. Or even to get seriously interested in its affairs.

It is also true that already at that time the Thule Society recognized the enormous political potential of Heinrich Himmler and made him… maybe even their “Plan B” – in case “Plan A” (built upon Adolf Hitler) fails.

However, the Thule Society did not reveal itself to Heinrich Himmler, opting instead to provide coaching, training, mentoring, and yes, manipulation, clandestinely – via its agents planted into Himmler’s “inner circle” – and later into his Personal Staff in the SS, Ahnenerbe and other SS agencies. And via Karl Maria Wiligut, of course.

What was the ultimate objective of The Thule Society in their “SS Project”? The answer is obvious – after Adolf Hitler severed all ties between his DAP and the Thule Society (the front for The Black Sun Society), it became painfully obvious for the latter that ultimately Der Führer will fail – and fail miserably.

For a very simple reason – despite all his immense powers, Adolf Hitler could achieve his objectives (and thus those of The Black Sun Society) only with the guidance and divine, supernatural, spiritual energies that he could have received from only one source. The Black Sun Society.

Without that support, Adolf Hitler and his Third Reich were doomed to fail (i.e. to die) in one of the two ways. Either by losing the inevitable war to a mighty opposition (which happened in reality) or by being eliminated by the Wehrmacht.

Although the latter and the Nazis had similar objectives (and Hitler bribed the top brass of his armed forces like you would not believe), it was evident to both that the still deeply Prussian and Imperial Army and Kriegsmarine did not fit into the Nazi civilization.

Luftwaffe was a different story, but it was run (for all practical purposes) by Erhard Milch who was half-Jewish and thus had no love lost for the Nazis (he even did not want to work for their Air Force and had to be convinced by Hitler himself).

July 20th coup in 1944 proved beyond the reasonable doubt that Wehrmacht had far bigger guns (and much more of them) than all Nazi paramilitary and even military forces (i.e. Waffen-SS).

Consequently, had Adolf Hitler won the Second World War (a very real possibility in the fall of 1941), he would have been almost immediately deposed by the military. Hitler would have been eliminated (obviously) and his regime transformed into a Second Reich 2.0 (possibly even into a constitutional monarchy – like the original one).

Actually, it almost happened in October of 1938 when Adolf Hitler was literally hours away from losing his life and only the Munich Agreement saved him from a certain death and his Nazi regime – from a no less certain destruction by the Wehrmacht.

Obviously, the destruction of the Nazi regime was not an option for The Black Sun Society (I would not be surprised if it had a hand in arranging the Munich Agreement of 1938).

Consequently, they needed a force, an organization powerful enough to defeat the military coup. The coup that was inevitable in the case of Hitler’s victory in the Second World War.

They needed the SS.

Himmler and the Wewelsburg Castle (6)

We only know what had been done in the North Tower – but not the whole design for this actual Mittelpunkt der Welt (no records survived the war). Neither do we know the objectives of this redesign – or have any ideas about the ceremonies to be conducted there for that matter.

All we know that two rooms have been constructed inside the north tower – the Crypt, allegedly called Valhalla although it had another name – the Gruft (Vault) and the Obergruppenführersaal (SS Generals’ Hall) immediately above it.

Their ceilings were cast in concrete and faced with natural stone. On the upper floors a further hall was planned although no information about its design or purpose survived. The axis of this tower was to be the actual “Center of the World” (Mittelpunkt der Welt).

A preparation for an eternal flame in the vault, a swastika ornament in its zenith, and the so-called “Black Sun” symbol embedded in the floor of the “Obergruppenführersaal” lie on this axis. Whether any of these rooms were ever used (and for which purpose), we do not know.

In the center of the marbled whitish/grayish floor of an Obergruppenführersaal a dark green sun wheel (Sonnenrad) is embedded. The axis of the sun wheel consisted of a circular plate of pure gold, which was to symbolize the center of the castle and thus the entire “Germanic world empire”.

The real name of the symbol is not known; it got its current name (The Black Sun) only in the 1990s. Neither do we know the meaning attributed to this symbol by the SS (or by anyone else for that matter).

All circumstantial evidence points to but one conclusion – the ultimate objective of all work done in the North Tower (and in the whole Wewelsburg Castle) had but one objective – to build a pagan equivalent of St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome… or of a Sacred Heart Basilica in Paris.

Spiritual equivalent, of course. Hence this building was supposed to amplify the energies of the “Earth Crown Chakra” to the level sufficient to empower the SS and the whole Third Reich. Empower sufficiently to achieve its objectives (and thus the objectives of The Black Sun Society).

Unfortunately for them (and for everyone involved), Heinrich Himmler did not believe much in the power of magical objects and ceremonies. And pursued the “Wewelsburg Project” for its symbolism. In other words, for its emotional, not spiritual (let alone religious or, God forbid, magical) value.

Hence, he did not invest enough effort (and money, of course) to make it what it was supposed to be – an extremely powerful portal of divine, spiritual, supernatural, magical energies.

And in 1943, all work in the castle was terminated (ostensibly because Hitler ordered to stop all construction projects not directly supporting the war effort). In reality, from the perspective of war effort, the Wewelsburg project was the most important one… but Himmler did not know that. Or did not want to know – in 1943 he had other priorities.

It was a gargantuan mistake which ultimately cost Adolf Hitler his war, his country, his civilization and his very life. And in late summer of 1944 forced Heinrich Himmler to explicitly ask The Black Sun Society for assistance. Assistance in saving his very own skin.

Himmler and the Wewelsburg Castle (5)

On November 6th, 1935, about a year after officially taking over the Wewelsburg Castle, Heinrich Himmler… closed the castle to visitors. For good. Four years later, in 1939, he imposed a strict ban on all publications about the Wewelsburg Castle.

It means – loud and clear – that something top secret was going on in the castle. So secret in fact that beyond the semi-official cover story propagated by the SS, we have no idea what was going on there – in other words, what were Himmler’s actual plans for the castle and what exactly was done there on his orders.

There is some evidence that in addition to “normal” scientific research, another kind of research was conducted in Wewelsburg Castle. Research on paranormal, supernatural, occult subjects – Germanic mysticism, ancestor cult, runic magic, racial doctrines (which was actually pseudo-science) and other subjects of an esoteric nature.

Heinrich Himmler was big on ancient, medieval and other symbolism hence it is only natural that redesign of the castle by the SS referred to certain characters in the legends of the Grail: for example, one of the arranged study rooms was named Gral (“Grail”).

Other rooms were named König Artus (“King Arthur”), König Heinrich (“King Henry”), Heinrich der Löwe (“Henry the Lion”), Widukind, Christoph Kolumbus (“Christopher Columbus”), Arier (“Aryan”), Jahrlauf (“course of the seasons”), Runen (“runes”), Westfalen (“Westphalia”), Deutscher Orden (“Teutonic Order”), Reichsführerzimmer (“Room of the Empires Leader(s)”; “Reichsführer-SS”, or “the Reich’s Leader of the SS” was Himmler’s title).

There were also rooms named Fridericus (probably in reference to Frederick II of Prussia), Tolle Christian (probably referring to Christian the Younger of Brunswick, Bishop of Halberstadt), and Deutsche Sprache (“German language”).

Oak (the sacred tree of the Nazis) was used to panel and furnish these rooms, though (according to contemporary witnesses) only sparingly. All interior decoration of the castle was shaped by an SS sensibility in art and culture; the preferred elements of design were based on runes, swastikas (no surprise here), and Deutschen Sinnzeichen (traditional German symbols).

Tableware, decorated with runes and Germanic symbols of salvation, was manufactured specifically for Wewelsburg castle (by the SS-owned and operated Allach factory, no doubt), and Himmler’s private collection of weapons was housed in the castle as well.

From 1939, the castle was also furnished with miscellaneous objects of art, including prehistoric objects (discovered and delivered by Ahnenerbe), objects of past historical eras, and works of “politically correct” contemporary sculptors and painters (i.e. the ones in line with the aesthetics of National Socialism and the SS).

In 1938, Himmler ordered the return of all honorary “death’s head rings” (Totenkopfringe) of dead SS-men and officers. They were to be stored in a chest in the castle. This was to symbolize the ongoing membership of the deceased in the SS-Order. However, the whereabouts of the approximately 11,500 rings after the Second World War are unknown.

Although in 1938 Himmler declared his intention to conduct annual meetings (“spring conferences”) of SS generals of the highest ranks (Gruppenführer and Obergruppenfuhrer); only one such meeting (officially) took place.

It was held not in spring, but in summer – from 12 to 15 June 1941, in other words, it ended exactly one week before the beginning of Operation Barbarossa. It was attended by the highest ranking SS generals, who either took part in planning the SS operations in the Soviet Union (i.e. Einsatzgruppen activities) or who were to take part in these operations (ditto)

The official meeting’s purpose was the “ideological preparation of the attendant SS leaders for the campaign against Judeo-Bolshevism”, but no record of what was said or done during the meeting survived.

It is believed that various SS ceremonies (designed by no other than Karl Maria Wiligut) were conducted in the Wewelsburg Castle – baptism (of sorts), marriage, swearing in. etc. However, no specific records of these ceremonies have ever been found.

However, Himmler’s plans included making it the “center of the new world” (“Zentrum der neuen Welt”) following the “final victory” have been uncovered (although whether these were the final plans or only some kind of a “preliminary proposal” is not clear and the real purpose of the project is not known).

These plans called for (among other things), the installation of an 18-meter-high wall in the shape of a three-quarter circle, 860 m in diameter with 18 towers. It was supposed to include the actual castle area and to be centered on the North Tower of the castle was planned.

Inside of this castle area buildings were planned for the exclusive purposes of the Reichsführung-SS (Reich Leadership-SS). The main road of this “SS village” was to have a diameter of 1270 m and also to be centered on the North Tower of the castle with a diameter of 1270 m. This road was to be connected with three radial roads and gates with the castle area.

The residential area was to be placed in the northwest, the center of the village in the north, and the SS-barracks in the west of the castle area; between the barracks and village a villa colony for higher SS-leaders; in the southwest farmsteads.

In the architectural plans from 1941, the estate had the shape of a spear pointing towards the north (the castle itself had the form of a spearhead). The plans also included a “Hall of the High Court of the SS” (Saal des Hohen Gerichtes der SS), streets, parkways, magnificent buildings, a dam with a power plant, freeway accesses and even its own airport.

It was estimated that it would take over 20 years to complete this radical reconstruction of the Wewelsburg area. The estate was to be a center of the “species-appropriate religion” (artgemäße Religion) and a representative estate for the SS-Führerkorps (SS leader corps).

The entire village of Wewelsburg and adjacent villages were to disappear. The population was to be resettled. The valley was to be flooded. 250 million Reichsmark were budgeted for the estate (most likely, a severe understatement).

Whether these grandiose plans were to be implemented or not, we do not know. We only know that something top secret and very mysterious was planned and done in the actual Mittelpunkt der Welt.

In the North Tower of the Wewelsburg Castle.

Himmler and the Wewelsburg Castle (4)

According to the “official version” of events, Heinrich Himmler first visited the Wewelsburg castle on November 3, 1933 and was immediately impressed by its triangular structure. It is believed that he was searching for a suitable castle in Westphalia in which he could establish an SS leadership school.

Which is kinda strange because Himmler was a Bavarian (he was born in Munich) and was a resident of Berlin. Hence, it would have made far more sense to establish this school near the capital of Bavaria or (more likely), of Germany.

It is a well-established historical fact that Himmler met Karl Maria Wiligut (a future “spiritual architect” of the Wewelsburg Castle) at a conference in Detmold located… 50 kilometers from the castle. An hour-long drive (at most) for the convoy of SS-Reichsfuhrer.

Consequently, it is far more likely that Himmler first visited the Wewelsburg Castle on the same (or the next) day after he met Wiligut and made the lightning-fast decision (carefully lobbied by the members of The Thule Society, no doubt) to task the retired colonel turned esotericist with creating a new religion for the SS.

Any major religion has a “spiritual center” and a “primary shrine/temple” so it made complete sense to Himmler when Wiligut offered the Wewelsburg Castle. In addition to a unique triangular shape (which may or may not have had something to do with the shape of the “Wewelsburg Hill”), Himmler was impressed by the location of the castle – right next to where (as it was then believed) the German tribes defeated (annihilated, actually) Roman legions in the Battle of Teutoburg Forest in 9 AD and thus defended their independence and freedom.

About two months later, in November of 1933, Himmler visited the Wewelsburg Castle for the second time. And officially announced his decision to buy or lease the castle for the SS.

Negotiations turned to be difficult, however, since the Landrat of Büren was unwilling to give up control of the castle (apparently, at that time the SS were not yet that powerful).

So only several months later, the local authorities acquiesced and leased the castle to the SS for the symbolic annual rent of 1 Reichsmark (obviously, all reconstruction costs were to be borne by the lessee).

Heinrich Himmler was born, baptized and raised Catholic so the concept of parochial school (an educational component of a parish church) was familiar and natural to him.

Consequently, it is not surprising at all that decided to immediately establish within the Wewelsburg walls the Reichsführerschule SS (SS Leadership School). Given the nature of the “Wewelsburg object”, it was only natural that this school was mainly intended to ensure a unified ideological training of the SS leadership and would be run by the Rasseamt (Race office) of the SS.

Given the geographical location of the castle that I mentioned earlier, this school was in some way (at least in Himmler’s mind) dedicated to Arminius (Hermann) – a military commander who led the alliance of Germanic tribes at the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest in AD 9, in which three Roman legions were annihilated (and thus became a symbol of German unity and freedom).

Himmler officially took over the Wewelsburg in a large and solemn ceremony on 22 September 1934. The Völkischer Beobachter, in reporting on the event, while mentioning the Germanic and historic past of the region, emphasized the educational aspects. Apparently Himmler had no desire to share his religious endeavors with anyone outside his closest associates (let alone the German public).

In 1935, Himmler announced that the SS-castle was to be officially called “SS-Schule Haus Wewelsburg” (“SS School, House Wewelsburg”). Its curriculum was to focus on Germanic pre- and early history, folklore studies, etc. as an “equipment for ideological-political training”). In other words, it was envisioned a kind of Nordic academy.

The “Wewelsburg parochial school” was the educational establishment for adults (i.e., a liberal arts college of sorts) and it is natural for a college to get involved in research activities on relevant subjects.

Hence it no surprise at all that the Wewelsburg Castle quickly became an “alternative research center” on Germanic pre- and early history, medieval history, folklore and genealogy, all intended to provide the underpinnings for the racial teachings of the SS. Alternative to Ahnenerbe, of course, which made the castle a “mini-Ahnenerbe” of sorts. Even a vast scientific (and pseudo-scientific) library was established.

Like its “big brother” (Ahnenerbe), Wewelsburg Castle became a prominent center for archeology. In particular, the center for archaeological excavations in the region.

Its activities included study of prehistory and ancient history, study of medieval history and folklife, build-up of the “Library of the Schutzstaffel in Wewelsburg” and strengthening the National Socialist worldview in the village of Wewelsburg.

Educational establishments and research institutes are often used for conducting various kinds of conferences, workshops, meetings, seminars and the like. Hence, it is again no surprise that the Wewelsburg Castle became an isolated (and thus secret) meeting place for the highest ranking SS-officers (including Himmler himself).

But this was only the “official” (overt) side of the Wewelsburg Castle. Almost from the very beginning (i.e. right after it was transferred to the SS), other – secret – activities began to take place on its premises.

The Right Perspective on Heinrich Himmler and the SS (18)

Runes have a fundamentally dual nature. On the one hand, runes are the individual letters in a set of related alphabets known as runic alphabets, which were used in various Germanic languages before the adoption of the Latin alphabet and for specialized purposes thereafter.

The Scandinavian variants of runic alphabet are also known as futhark or fuþark (derived from their first six letters of the alphabet: F, U, Þ, A, R, and K); the Anglo-Saxon variant is futhorc or fuþorc.

On the other hand, runes are very powerful magical symbols used in runic magic for divination and other purposes. There is evidence that runes were initially meant to serve this dual purpose – i.e. that they used in magic rituals and objects from the very beginning.

The three best-known runic alphabets are the Elder Futhark (around 150–800 AD), the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc (400–1100 AD), and the Younger Futhark (800–1100 AD). The Younger Futhark (also called Scandinavian runes) developed further into the Medieval runes (1100–1500 AD), and the Dalecarlian runes (c. 1500–1800 AD).

The modern runic alphabet (used extensively by modern practitioners of runic magic – myself included) got the name of Armanen runes. This alphabet is closely based on the Younger Futhark (and has 18 instead of 16 runes) and was (officially) introduced by Austrian occultist and Germanic revivalist Guido von List.

Guido von List (born Guido Karl Anton List) claimed that Armanen runes were mystically and gradually “revealed” to him by some spiritual entities during his 11-month state of temporary blindness after a cataract operation on both eyes in 1902.

Actually, he was telling the truth. The Younger Futhark that Armanen runes were derived from, was not only used (for magical purposes) but actually created by The Black Sun Society at about the same time the initial “Wewelsburg object” was built – i.e. sometime in the 9th century AD.

The Society anticipated (correctly) that in a few years they would need more powerful runic magic – so they made the necessary changes to the alphabet… and then, indeed, somehow revealed them to Guido von List (possibly via some kind of advanced hypnosis).

It was also (undoubtedly) the Society that introduced the Armanen Runes to Heinrich Himmler and inspired his to use them in his SS-Empire. However, they were bitterly disappointed.

True, Himmler used the runes extensively in the SS – to begin with, the SS insignia consisted of a “double Sig” runes (meaning “victory, victory” in the Armanen runes). Not surprisingly, this runes (which look like lightning bolts) alluded to the Air Arm origins of the Schutzstaffel (“fire and thunder from the sky”).

Unfortunately for The Black Sun Society (and for Heinrich Himmler and the SS), Himmler used the runes strictly as symbols (for him they represented virtues seen as desirable in SS members). In other words, for their emotional value – not magical power. An immense magical power.

Why? Because The Black Sun Society failed to make Himmler a practicing magician – let alone the High Priest of the neo-pagan occult religion. Which is understandable, because Heinrich Himmler never wanted to be one. He wanted to be the Grand Master of a reincarnation of the Teutonic Order and the head of the reincarnated Ordensstaat, not the High Priest (let alone a practicing magician).

Although he renounced Catholicism (and left the Holy Roman Catholic Church for good), Himmler never really converted to any coherent and comprehensive neo-pagan religion. True, he wanted to create something of that nature… but it was not really a high priority for him.

Of course, Hitler’s fervent opposition to everything and anything occult, mystical or magical – Der Führer even ordered a full-scale persecution of the latter – did not create any incentive for SS-Reichsfuhrer to get seriously involved with magic and occult (to put it mildly). And, finally, Himmler most likely did not believe in power of magic (of any kind).

Which makes his relationship with Karl Maria Wiligut even more puzzling.

The Right Perspective on Heinrich Himmler and the SS (17)

The trillion-Reichsmark (and millions-of-lives) question is Why? Why twelve years of Nazi rule in Germany ended with such a horrible, disastrous failure? The obvious reason (which I will cover in detail shortly) is that Nazi ideology preached and practiced by Hitler, Himmler et al. created a highly distorted and highly inaccurate perception of reality.

Which predictably led to colossal blunders and the latter no less predictably resulted in catastrophic consequences. However, despite this highly distorted perceptions, the Nazis still could have been successful. Very successful, in fact.

First, Hitler and Himmler should have listened to the guidance provided by The Black Sun Society – and followed this guidance to a “T”. But they didn’t – with disastrous consequences for them, Germany, Europe and the whole Western Civilization.

After his Transfiguration (performed by the magicians from The Black Sun Society), Heinrich Himmler became an extremely powerful medium. The conduit of extremely powerful spiritual energies. Energies which allowed Germany to do the impossible – many times over.

Had Adolf Hitler stayed connected to the divine energy channel established and managed by The Black Sun Society (first and foremost, via the Wewelsburg Castle) – and used other magical tools and technologies (provided by Ahnenerbe Überprüfung der sogenannten Geheimwissenschaften – “Examination of the so-called secret sciences” institute)… the Third Reich would most likely been very much in existence (and ruled Europe at least).

Unfortunately for him, Adolf Hitler was not just an opponent, but practically a sworn enemy of everything occult. So instead of using the latter for his purposes (and the purposes of The Black Sun Society) he simply ignore that – to his own peril.

Heinrich Himmler was a very different story – thus, although his results was similar, they were not the same. Not by a long shot. Three rather typical examples of his strange (and probably not-exactly-comfortable) relationship with the occult are his quest for the Holy Grail; his utilizations of runes in the SS; his relationships with Karl Maria Wiligut; and his activities in Wewelsburg Castle.

Let’s start with the first one. There is some confusion (in fact, a lot of confusion) about the Holy Grail – as this term got attached to two fundamentally different objects.

The first one (sought by Heinrich Himmler) is definitely mythical/fictional (by the way, there was nothing holy about it); the second one (more correctly referred to as Holy Chalice) was very holy indeed… but most likely not initially considered as such. And hence is most likely lost for good. 

According to the legend (yes, it is a legend – cut and dry, plain and simple, loud and clear), the Holy Grail proper is a cup (or a dish) which possesses the miraculous powers that provide happiness, eternal youth and other benefits of a similar nature.

It is usually associated with the mythical King Arthur and another (no less mythical) ruler – Fisher King. The latter is believed to be the last king a long bloodline of rulers charged with keeping and protecting the Holy Grail.

The man who put this Holy Grail “on the radar” of Heinrich Himmler was one Otto Rahn – a German writer, medievalist and Ariosophist (follower of Ariosophy – essentially a neo-pagan quasi-religion which preaches the inherent spiritual and other superiority of the Aryan race; first and foremost, the Germans).

In 1933, German writer Otto Rahn published a series of books tying the Grail, Templars, and Cathars to modern German nationalist mythology. According to Rahn, the Grail was… a symbol of a pure Germanic religion repressed by Christianity (how he came to this conclusion is totally beyond me).

However, the “how” did not matter to Heinrich Himmler one bit. He found this idea so interesting (and valuable) that… invited Rahn to join the SS and offered to sponsor his quest for Grail.

In Nazi Germany few individuals could afford to say “No” to SS-Reichsfuhrer and Otto Rahn was definitely not one of them. So he said yes and ultimately rose to the rank of SS-Obersturmführer (First Lieutenant).

It appears (I would say, is practically certain) that Himmler did not believe one bit in the magical powers of the Holy Grail. For him this object was (most likely) simply a component (and important component but still only a component) of a neo-pagan religion that he was working on at that time. Nothing more, nothing less.

Did The Black Sun Society have anything to do with the Holy Grail? No, because the whole “Grail thing” as preached by Otto Rahn (a mentally unstable individual) was a total mess and had nothing to do with any reality whatsoever.

For starters, Templars were a highly distinguished Christian military order (not that different from the Teutonic Order) and were never involved in anything pagan or occult – all charges against them were invented by inquisitors working for the French king who decided to exterminate the Templars instead of paying back money he owned them (happened all the time).

Cathars were essentially Christian heretics (of the Manichean variety) and, like the Templars were not involved with occult (or paganism) one bit. And the Holy Grail itself never existed – it was but a figment of the imagination of several medieval fiction writers (Chrétien de Troyes, Wolfram von Eschenbach and others).

The runes, however, were a different story entirely.

The Right Perspective on Heinrich Himmler and the SS (16)

Now let’s see what Heinrich Himmler accomplished for his sponsors and creators (but not masters, of course) from The Black Sun Society (unconsciously, of course).

First and foremost, he did create the neo-Teutonic Order. By the end of the Second World War, it was still a work in progress (to put it mildly) as its reality still was far, far short of the vision (let alone blueprint) developed by The Black Sun Society, but the fundamentals (the core) were pretty much there.

Himmler developed the structure, the processes and procedures, the symbols (SS runes, the uniforms, the swords and daggers, etc.), the rituals and even components of the neo-pagan Germanic religion that was to become the spiritual foundation for this “New Black Order”. Including, of course, the foundation for the future Mittelpunkt der Welt – spiritual center of the world – in the Wewelsburg Castle.

Like Adolf Hitler (and also unconsciously), Himmler created the “SS in heaven”. Well, not exactly in heaven, of course – but definitely not in Hell. In other words, Heinrich Himmler created a unique “SS-egregore” – the one that (unlike just about all other egregores – “collective souls”) continued to exist after the tangible entity (i.e. the SS as we know it) ceased to exist in May of 1945.

And continues to influence the world affairs even today – in this sense, Heinrich Himmler created a “thousand-year SS”. However, there is a crucial difference between these two egregores.

The Third Reich (obviously) no longer exists as the tangible entity. And the SS (contrary to an almost universal misconception) is a different story entirely. A bit later, I will prove (IMHO beyond the reasonable doubts), that, unlike NSDAP and the whole Third Reich, the SS did not cease to exist in May of 1945.

And, of course, Heinrich Himmler did not commit suicide. It is also possible that (again contrary to an almost universal misconception) neither did Odilo Globocnik, Hans Kammler… or Heinrich Muller.

Martin Bormann did – DNA analysis proved it beyond the reasonable doubt – and so did Adolf Hitler (although there is no forensic evidence that proves the latter beyond the reasonable doubt).

But not Heinrich Himmler (and possibly three of his close associates). Instead, they (this time with direct help from The Black Sun Society) escaped from occupied Germany (most likely, into the German part of Switzerland) and there set up an organization commonly (and incorrectly) referred to as ODESSA. Organisation der ehemaligen SS-Angehörigen (Organization of Former SS Members) that is. Its real name is (obviously) not known; in this book I will call it DNSS. Die Neue SS.

I will cover DNSS, its objectives and capabilities (and activities) a bit later; now I will only state that the existence of its physical component (DNSS is a very much tangible entity which “inherited” the “SS egregore” from the original SS in 1945) makes the SS egregore far, far more powerful than its “Third Reich brother”.

In terms of structure, Himmler’s SS included… just about everything that The Black Sun Society ever wanted. First and foremost, of course, included (as its foundation and the core) the system for selection, training, placement and utilization of the Nazi elite. Racial elite, of course – at the time eugenics reigned supreme.

But Heinrich Himmler went further than that – he created and highly efficiently used a system of recruiting into the SS the most influential individuals in the Party, government, industry, science and technology, academia, etc. The list of high ranking SS officers (believe it or not, there was an official SS membership directory) reads like “Who is who in Nazi Germany”.

The notable exception was the military – initially the Reichswehr and subsequently the Wehrmacht. For legal reason – the military personnel was forbidden by law to join political parties – or organizations such as the SS.

Incredibly, this law was in force (and strictly followed) up until the infamous and pathetic coup attempt on July 20th, 1944 – Wehrmacht considered its independence from politics and government important enough to protect it even at the cost of an open conflict with both.

Then there was the most well-known component of the SS (ultimately integrated into RSHA). Staatsschutzkorps (State Protection Corps). Which included political, criminal and order police, concentration camps, death camps, domestic and foreign intelligence services… the whole nine yards.

It also included the Waffen-SS – the core for the future SS Armed Forces (neither Hitler, nor Himmler nor The Black Sun Society had any desire to tolerate the independence of Wehrmacht even the moment longer than absolutely necessary).

It was a (practically) open secret in Nazi Germany that Hitler and Himmler created Waffen SS (the former openly and blatantly violated his promise to Wehrmacht brass to never establish an “alternative army”) with but one ultimate purpose in mind – the hostile takeover of German armed forces.

However, during the Second World War Waffen SS were placed (out of practical military necessity) under the operational command of Wehrmacht – and made a highly valuable contribution to saving the Western Civilization from being destroyed by the Bolshevist hordes.

Not surprisingly, the SS included RuSHA – Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt der SS (SS Race and Settlement Main Office). It was ultimately responsible for transforming the German people into the “nation of Übermenschen” (obviously, with eugenics tools and technologies) and for the colonization of Lebensraum conquered by Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS.

As well as an enormous commercial empire – a network of businesses owned and operated by the SS. Including, of course, a vast network of forced labor (i.e. slave labor) camps.

By essentially controlling labor supply, by the end of the war, the SS controlled just about all German industry and via its own structures – just about all new weapons development projects in Nazi Germany.

Himmler also established Ahnenerbe – a gigantic research institute tasked with mining and generating knowledge necessary for the SS to implement its racial policies (and other objectives). Including (via the institute so secret that officially it did not exist) the secret (occult) knowledge.

The SS was the primary tool for the destruction of Jewish infrastructure (and for physical extermination of half of Jewish population in Europe) – as well as for “pacification” of occupied territories.

However, the ultimate result of all endeavors and projects pursued by Hitler and Himmler was a total and catastrophic failure. The Nazi Party, the Nazi State, the SS, the whole Nazi system collapsed – and Germany suffered the worst casualties and the most cataclysmic destruction in its history.