The Original SS

Contrary to a popular misconception, the birth of the “original SS” had nothing to do with Heinrich Himmler whatsoever. In fact, when he joined the SS in 1925, his number on his membership card was 168 – not a small number for a tiny bodyguard unit.

Another popular misconception is that the SS originated from an innovative tactics employed by the German Army in trench warfare during the First World War. The essence of this tactics was to assemble and utilize three-man assault teams.

The first of the trio was armed with a sharpened entrenching tool and a shield made from a machine gun mounting. He was followed by the second man carrying haversacks full of short-fused stick grenades, and the third soldier armed with a knife, bayonet or club.

These teams, aptly called Stosstruppe, or shock troops, turned out to be highly successful… but became the “ancestors” of the SA, not the SS. The former even adopted the designation – Sturmabteilung – of the detachment comprised of the Stosstruppe.

Contrary to a popular misconception, the origins of the SS are not on land… but in the air. The term “Schutzstaffeln” (at the time Schusta, not SS, for short) initially referred to the élite formations of the emerging German Air Arm – the squadrons of fast fighters which escorted and protected unwieldy bombers and reconnaissance aircraft.

These fighters were sometimes grouped together as “aerial shock troops” for the purpose of attacking ground targets”, but their primary objective was still the protection of bombers and recon aircraft – hence their title.

Prominent Schusta members included Hermann Göring (no surprise here) and Eduard Ritter von Schleich, the so-called “Black Knight”, who later commanded the SS-Fliegersturmbann (the Air Arm of the SS of sorts).

The latter was responsible for flying Hitler and other senior Nazi personalities around Germany, and they remained active until absorbed by the Deutscher Luftsport Verband (DLV), the forerunner of the Luftwaffe, in September 1933.

The “original SS” was nothing but a small team (unit) of bodyguards that had but one objective – providing personal protection for Hitler at NSDAP functions and events.

It was put together by one Julius Schreck – an early senior Nazi official and close confidant of Adolf Hitler (in March of 1925, he became the first SS chief). There was absolutely nothing mysterious or mystical (let alone supernatural) in the birth of the SS; on the contrary, its formation was a natural step in gradual growth and “organizational engineering” of the Nazi Party and the SA (administratively, the new unit was the component of the SA).

There was no plans whatsoever for making this unit anything but a very small personal protection detail for Der Führer (and subsequently for other leaders of NSDAP) at the Party functions and events.

Initially, the new unit was called the Schutzkommando (Protection Command) but when it was expanded (following the NSDAP) to a national organization, it was renamed successively the Sturmstaffel (Storm Squadron – the latter being initially the Air Force term), and finally the Schutzstaffel (Protection Squadron).

The latter was officially founded in November 9th, 1925 (the second anniversary of the pathetic Beer Hall Putsch) and was tasked with protecting NSDAP leaders throughout Germany. Nothing more, nothing less.

Characteristically, Schreck became SS member #5. Hitler became SS member No. 1 and Emil Maurice (his personal chauffeur) became SS member No. 2. Which gives you some idea about the place of the SS in Nazi hierarchy at that time.

Schreck (who became the first SS-Leader) never referred to himself as Reichsführer-SS (this title was established later), but it was retroactively applied to him in later years.

However, Schreck had little (if any) desire to lead Hitler’s bodyguard unit so a few months later (in April of 1924) he resigned and was replaced by one Joseph Berchtold (a co-founder of the SA which made some sense).

It was Berchtold who changed the title of the office of the SS-Leader to Reichsführer-SS… but accomplished little else (judging by his subsequent career, he found himself as a journalist, editor and Nazi propaganda worker).

So less than a month later, on March 1st, 1927, he resigned and handed his position over to his deputy Erhard Heiden. He lasted in this position for almost two years and turned out to be a total and complete disaster (which again gives you some idea about the importance of the original SS in the Nazi system).

For starters, the size of the SS declined almost four-fold (from about 1,000 to just 280) and Heiden had some serious difficulties in keeping the unit from complete dissolution – and thus ending up in the dustbin of history.

The reasons for this highly unfortunate situations were manifold but the most important ones (in addition to horrible incompetency of all three initial SS Leaders) were a total lack of vision (in other words, no one had a clue what exactly the SS should become) and a total inability of SS Leaders to fit their unit into overall system of the SA (the second problem undoubtedly was the result of the first one).

There is little (if any) doubt that the SS was saved (and ultimately transformed into a giant, fearsome and highly efficient monster) by The Black Sun Society (by that time, their front – the Thule Society – officially ceased to exist).

The BSS (1) recognized the potential of the “original SS” as the embryo for their neo-Teutonic order; (2) developed a detailed vision for the bright and exciting future of the SS; (3) identify the potential leader who could implement (incarnate) this vision and blueprint into reality – Heinrich Himmler; (4) carefully planted Himmler into the SS – he joined the unit even before it got its ultimate name; (5) helped Himmler develop and deliver to Adolf Hitler the presentation of his (i.e. BSS) vision and blueprint for the SS – which resulted in Himmler’s promotion to the position of SS Deputy Reichsfuhrer, and, finally, engineered the removal of Heiden from the position of SS Reichsfuhrer.

The latter was a “piece of cake job” due to the horrendous incompetence of Heiden – and the disastrous results of his reign in the SS. Heiden’s murky (i.e., smelling of corruption) business relations with the Jews (of all people) and suspicions that he was an informer for the German political police made the job for BSS even easier.

Undoubtedly, the whole “Heiden affair” was even fishier as after the Nazis came to power in January 1933, Heiden was immediately arrested. On orders from Himmler via his chief lieutenant Reinhard Heydrich, the hapless former SS Leader was murdered later that year by… members of the SS (more specifically, by Heydrich’s SD – SS Security Service).

Removal of Erhard Heiden from the position of the SS Leader cleared the way for Heinrich Himmler to take his place. Himmler had no competitors because (thanks to The Black Sun Society) he was the only one with the vision, the blueprint, the “4D” (desire, determination, discipline and dare) – and with leadership, management and other skills needed to make these vision and blueprint a reality.

No he was ready to “serve The Black Sun Society” – and build their neo-Teutonic Order and their “new Ordensstaat”.

Or so it seemed.

The Right Perspective on Heinrich Himmler and the SS (12)

By choosing Germanenorden (proper) as its de-facto partner in creating the Thule Society – and including its name into the official title of the new organization, The Org (and thus The Black Sun Society) made their intentions cut and dry, plain and simple, loud and clear.

Germanenorden often called itself the Teutonic Order. Hence, the Thule Society (officially the Bavarian lodge of the Germanenorden Walvater of the Holy Grail) openly stated that it intended to achieve its objectives by (1) creating an organization similar in essence and function to the original (Christian) Teutonic Order; and (2) use this organization as the foundation and the core for a state – the Orden-Staat.

A state that would be radically different from any European (and any other Christian) state of the time. The state based not on Christian religion (as the original State of the Teutonic Order was), but on the neo-pagan and occult (quasi)religion.

After all, the Germanenorden was an occult and a völkisch group. The latter meant that it was (1) a fundamentally German nationalist society – as pretty much was the original Teutonic Order; and (2) was based on the idea of a “German national rebirth”, inspired by the (perceived) traditions of the Ancient Germans.

These traditions, obviously, included the “ancient religion” (i.e., German paganism). More specifically, the intent was to either “Germanizing” Christianity (the religious product of the “Jewish race”) or – preferably – doing away with Christianity altogether and replacing it with pre-Christian Germanic paganism.

Consequently, the neo-Teutonic Order that the Thule Society intended to create (as well as its Ordensstaat) was to be based not on Christianity (as was the original one), but on the neo-pagan (quasi)religion – essentially a reincarnation of ancient (i.e., pre-Christian) German paganism.

Like every paramilitary organization worthy of this classification, Freikorps Oberland created (and extensively used) intelligence and counter-intelligence sections. Which meant that agents (especially of the latter branch) continuously compiled valuable information on Freikorps and passed it to the commanders of the unit… and to its founder – the Thule Society.

Even at a still young age, Heinrich Himmler was not exactly a chatterbox; however, the environment of the administrative offices of Freikorps Oberland created much more opportunities for frank and open conversations (on public and private subjects) than the actual battlefield. And for eavesdropping on these conversations, of course.

It appears that one day young Heinrich Himmler shared with someone his knowledge of Teutonic Order (even in high school his knowledge of medieval military history was deeper and more extensive than that of his teachers) and his fascination with the latter. And, possibly, his secret desire to one day create and lead a modern-day reincarnation of the Order.

Either his vis-à-vis was an agent of Freikorps counter-intelligence, or someone from the latter overheard this conversation… actually, it does not matter. What matters is that the principals of the Thule Society (and thus of The Org and of The Black Sun Society) were pleasantly surprised that one of the Freikorps members has a fundamental objective practically identical to theirs.

Sure, there was a serious problem – young Himmler was still a devout Catholic while the neo-Teutonic Order that The Black Sun Society wanted to create was to be based on a neo-pagan (quasi)religion.

However, the intelligence agents (this time ultimately of The Black Sun Society) promptly learned that Himmler was sufficiently interested in the occult and in pre-Christian German paganism to be quickly and easily converted to the latter.

Obviously, Plan A of The Black Sun Society (ultimately, although it acted via the Thule Society) was to use Adolf Hitler to implement their vision of the neo-Teutonic Order and the neo-Ordensstaat (at that time he was already their #1 candidate for the position of Der Führer).

However, in such an important endeavor (ultimately taking over the whole world) there is always Plan B, Plan C… and possibly many others. We do not know (and will most likely never know) whether Heinrich Himmler was their Plan B (most likely not)… however, it was the “Himmler option” that ultimately worked (almost).

Actually, the young age of Heinrich Himmler was his tremendous advantage (from the perspective of The Black Sun Society, of course). It meant that he was far more manageable, cooperative and “programmable” than any of his competitors.

The Black Sun Society was very patient (to put it mildly) – after all, they waited for the opportunity to exact revenge on Christianity for over a millennium. Hence, they most likely began to work on Heinrich Himmler – carefully, unobtrusively and patiently… probably as early as in April 1919 (right after he joined Freikorps Oberland and The Society became aware of his Teutonic Order dreams).

They converted him from Catholicism to German neo-paganism – it happened sometime during his early twenties (definitely before he joined NSDAP in August of 1923) and was a no small feat (to put it mildly) given his thorough Catholic upbringing.

And brought him into their primary creation and tool – the Nazi Party. The NSDAP. They worked on him for four long years (most likely, until they considered him mature and prepared enough to join it) before he proudly received the Nazi Party membership card #14303.

Was he aware that he was being manipulated, programmed, even played… of sorts? Most likely not – The Black Sun Society used highly efficient clandestine tools and technologies being perfected for centuries.

Did he know that he was dealing with the members of the Thule Society? I do not think so. There is no indication he ever attended any of the meetings of the Thule Society or even had a conversation about the group, its goals, values, principles, beliefs, plans, etc. with any member of the Thule Society – let alone its leaders (even the “official” ones).

Due to the inherent nature of any secret society worthy of this label, even the members of the Thule Society (and possibly the overwhelming majority of its officers) had no idea about even the existence of The Org and The Black Sun Society – let alone any specifics. Neither (obviously) was Heinrich Himmler.

It is a well-established fact that Himmler was brought into the NSDAP by no other than Ernst Röhm, an early member of the Nazi Party and a co-founder of the Sturmabteilung (SA – the paramilitary wing and essentially the “private army” of sorts of the Nazi Party).

It was Röhm who introduced Himmler to Adolf Hitler (the rest is, as is said, history)… but before that – and even before Himmler joined the Nazi Party Röhm invited him to join the paramilitary Bund Reichskriegsflagge (Imperial War Flag Society). Its official leader was one Joseph Seydel but Ernst Röhm was really in control. It was his Bund.

The Bund Reichskriegsflagge under Ernst Röhm was instrumental in the Beer Hall Putsch and its standard-bearer was… Heinrich Himmler, who had joined the organization just a few months earlier. True, it was not the official Nazi Party banner with the swastika (the Bund flag had a common design for the Second Reich) but still it was the banner of an organization.

However, these seemingly well-established facts raise far more questions than provide answers. We do not even know for sure when exactly Himmler met Röhm for the first time.

Himmler’s entry in his diary for January 26th, 1922 describes meeting Captain Röhm at a political gathering in a beer cellar in Munich. However, the way in which the entry is written suggests that Himmler might already have been acquainted with the latter.

It is stated (by just about every biographer of Himmler) that soon after getting acquainted, Heinrich Himmler and Ernst Röhm became friends. However, I find it highly unlikely, to put it mildly.

First, Röhm was thirteen (!) years older than Himmler. And the only way two men with such a difference in age can become friends (I mean friends, not lovers) is if they share some kind of a common background. Not the future (that would make them partners, not friends), but the past.

But Ernst and Heinrich came from totally different backgrounds. Himmler’s father was a school principal and a tutor/coach for the member of a royal Bavarian family while Röhm’s father was a railway official. In the Imperial Germany – and in the early years of Weimar Republic – these worlds were light years apart.

Röhm was a decorated war veteran and a war hero (and an officer to boot) while Himmler was a civilian – and the former do not like (usually despise even) the latter.

Röhm was a large, beefy former officer, while Himmler was a small, slender man who had only yearned for military life – but had zero combat experience (either in Great War or on the Home Front).

Röhm was considered a “fanatical, simple-minded swashbuckler” who frequently displayed contempt for danger while Himmler was a mild-mannered bureaucrat not known at all for “living dangerously”.

Röhm was an open homosexual while Himmler did not like gay men (to put it mildly) and was strictly heterosexual. There is no evidence whatsoever that there was any sort of romantic (let alone sexual) relationship between the two.

It is completely understandable why Heinrich Himmler was so eager to befriend Ernst Röhm. Himmler was twenty (twenty one at most); Röhm was 33 or 34; Himmler was a civilian who for years only yearned for military life; Röhm was a Captain in German Reichswehr (one of the very few who were permitted to stay in the uniform) – and a decorated war veteran and a war hero; Himmler was a member of a paramilitary unit; Röhm de-facto commanded it. Plenty of reasons in short – and one is more powerful than the other.

Ernst Röhm, on the other hand, had no reasons to befriend Himmler. None whatsoever (for him the latter was a nobody, a nonentity). Unless the Captain was in love with young Heinrich… but it was painfully obvious that he did not stood a chance – even if it was the case (and there is not a trace of evidence that it was).

And yet, Captain Röhm not only befriended Himmler; not only invited him into his paramilitary unit (and kept him there); not only brought him into the Nazi Party; not only introduced him to Der Führer (Adolf Hitler); not only included him – a civilian (!!) – into the Kampfgruppe that was to play a key role in the (in)famous Beer Hall Putsch, but… made him the standard-bearer of his (!!!) unit during the coup attempt.

Now why on Earth would Captain Ernst Röhm do such an incredible, unbelievable thing? True, due to his outstanding (an understatement, actually) administrative skills and organizational abilities Himmler was undoubtedly a highly valuable asset to Bund Reichskriegsflagge; it is also true that he was a skilled and gifted orator… but nobody in his right mind would bring an administrator or an orator into a street fight. Especially if firearms are expected to be heavily used – and the individual in question has never been tested in combat.

And still a highly experienced street fighter and a war hero did it. The fundamental question is: Why??? The only explanation that come to mind is simple and straightforward – because he followed the orders of his superiors from the Thule Society (and thus from The Black Sun Society).

There is no direct evidence that Ernst Röhm was a member of a Thule Society; however, his Bayerisches Freikorps für den Grenzschutz Ost (“Bavarian Free Corps for Border Patrol East“), formed in Ohrdruf in April 1919, fought shoulder-to-shoulder with Freikorps Oberland (formed by the Thule Society) against the Bavarian Soviet Republic – and finally destroyed it.

Ernst Röhm was one of the senior officers of the Bayerisches Freikorps; hence it is practically inevitable that he communicated with the senior officers of Freikorps Oberland – and almost definitely with its founder Rudolf von Sebottendorf, president of the Thule Society.

So it is entirely possible (very likely, actually) that the latter somehow recruited the latter and made Captain an agent (although most likely not the member) of the Thule Society – and thus of The Black Sun Society.

That’s how Heinrich Himmler became a member of the Nazi Party and subsequently – as the standard-bearer for Bund Reichskriegsflagge – its distinguished and prominent member.

Now all The Black Sun Society needed was an embryo for its neo-Teutonic Order. They needed the original SS.

The Right Perspective on Heinrich Himmler and the SS (11)

Himmler was only eighteen when he joined the Freikorps Oberland in April of 1919 – and thus “got on the radar” of the Thule Society (this Freikorps was established by the latter, after all).

Why did young Heinrich Himmler decide to join Freikorps Oberland? First, he was still deeply hurt because he did not take part in the Great War – and thus did not fight (and very possibly, shed his blood) for his beloved Fatherland. Especially given that his older brother was a decorated war veteran – and an officer and his godfather fought and died heroically for his country.

The civil war in Bavaria, triggered by the establishment in Munich of the so-called Bavarian Soviet Republic (BSR) on April 6th, gave him the opportunity that he missed just a few months earlier.

Alas, he was denied this opportunity for the second time in a row. He did not take part in any action (possibly, he was deemed too young for that); instead spent all his time in Freikorps in a support/clerical/administrative position. It is possible that he demonstrated superb organizational and administrative skills and, as they say in such circumstances, got noticed.

It is also very likely, that the establishment of BSR planted in his heart, mind and soul the seeds of the concept of the “existential racial war with Judeo-Bolshevism” – and strengthened this idea in hearts, minds and souls of members of the Thule Society, The Org and The Black Sun Society.

After all, BSR was established and led by Jews (Ernst Toller, Gustav Landauer, rich Mühsam, Eugen Leviné, etc.). And these Jews – for all practical purposes – were the puppets of the Russian Bolsheviks (led also by Jews – Leon Trotsky, Grigori Zinoviev and many others).

Furthermore, Leviné and Co openly stated that Bavaria was to be but a springboard for the Bolshevization of Germany and the Europe (and then of the whole world, of course – as was initially planned by Marx et al.).

Why did Himmler join Freikorps Oberland and not another Freikorps? Well, there was no other Freikorps around so he really had no other option. Did he know that Freikorps Oberland was established by the (official) president of the Thule Society and hence by the latter? Almost definitely – the Thule Society was at the time not exactly a secret organization and was heavily involved in counter-revolutionary activities.

And for an obvious reason – BSR government (its political police, actually) accused the members of the Thule Society (probably correctly) of trying to infiltrate BSR leadership and of attempting a coup. On 26 April, the Communist secret police in Munich raided the society’s premises and took seven of its members into custody (actually, they were taken hostage).

Four days later, they were ruthlessly executed by a firing squad in reprisal for the counter-revolutionary activities of their alleged associates. Amongst the murdered in cold blood by the Reds (let’s call a spade a spade), were Walter Nauhaus (one of the official founders and leaders of the Thule Society) and four well-known aristocrats, including Countess Heila von Westarp who functioned as the (official) secretary of the Society, and Prince Gustav of Thurn and Taxis who was related to several European royal families.

Was Himmler interested in the occult and other activities of Thule Society (outside of politics, of course)? Probably not. At that time he was still a devout Catholic and was interested exclusively in joining a paramilitary unit and (ideally) in taking part in some serious action.

True, he was interested in the occult and in German paganism since (probably) his early teens, but at that time not nearly enough to join an occult group. Besides, it appears that he considered himself still way too young to take part in any such activities (but already old enough for the battlefield).

Hence, it was the Thule Society (and thus The Org and The Black Sun Society) who got interested (very interested, actually) in young Heinrich Himmler – not the other way around.

The Right Perspective on Heinrich Himmler and the SS (10)

What were the intentions and fundamental objectives of the High Priests (and, most likely, the High Priestesses as well) of the Black Sun Society (the Vril Society)? Actually, it is not that difficult to find out… if you know the fundamental religious beliefs of SS-Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler (as of the year 1933).

By 1933, Heinrich Himmler (whose intention was to transform Wewelsburg into a spiritual center of the world – no less) firmly believed that (1) Christianity was a Jewish invention; and (2) it severely damaged Germany and German people by destroying the native – and thus “natural” – German pagan religion.

And added insult to injury by initiating the “Burning Times” – i.e. the witch hunt (most of the witches were persecuted, arrested and executed in Germany). Consequently, Himmler believed it to be his duty to (1) push Christianity to the background – doing away with it in the 20th century was impossible; (2) restoring the “natural” (“native”) German religion – i.e. German paganism; and (3) making the latter the official religion of Greater Germany.

That’s precisely what the “Black Sun project” was all about. The Black Sun Society (or whatever it was called in reality) built the initial “Wewelsburg shrine” to achieve practically identical objectives.

They did not care much about the Jews (quite possibly, they were even unaware of the existence of the latter), but they surely wanted to “exercise the revenge of the Old Gods”.

In other words, they wanted to send Christianity to the dustbin of history (one way or the other) – or at least make it relatively insignificant; restore the German pagan religion and make it again – this time de-jure as well – the official religion of the “New Germany”.  

And the “Wewelsburg shrine” – due to the enormous power of its “divine energy portal” was their primary weapon in this “religious war”. As was the Society itself as it (unlike just about all other secret and occult societies) was comprised of individuals who possessed genuine – and quite significant – psychic, mystical, paranormal and supernatural powers.

Like many religious organizations, the Black Sun Society was thinking in terms of millennia. And was ready to wait even that long – until the opportunity for revenge (i.e., the right moment) presents itself.

And it (finally) got what it wanted… almost. In 1871, the German Empire was formed, which (finally) provided the Black Sun Society with the tool that they needed to achieve their objectives.

So the latter established The Org, delegating there the most powerful mystics/psychics of the Black Sun Society. However, although both the former and the latter were very powerful entities (and were supported by the power of the “Wewelsburg Portal”), they were not powerful enough to engineer the crisis of the necessary magnitude. Necessary to take control over the German Empire that is.

Consequently they had to wait for five more decades (almost). Only by late summer of 1918 it became clear that both German and the Austro-Hungarian Empire (the latter included Austria – another German state) were heading into a crisis disastrous enough to make both German states ripe for the “hostile takeover” by the Black Sun Society, The Org and their agents.

In addition, by that time they had another critical problem to take care of – the Bolshevist threat to Germany, Europe and the whole Western Civilization. And it did not matter that The Black Sun Society and its offspring preached and practiced decidedly pagan (or neo-pagan) religion – the Bolsheviks were totally and fiercely committed to destroying any and all religions, both pagan and monotheist (Christianity, Islam and Judaism).

Again, the Black Sun Society and its… partners were not powerful enough (regardless of the “Wewelsburg portal”) to protect all of the above from being destroyed by the Bolshevist hordes (let alone to do away with the “Red menace” for good).

Hence they had no choice but to create (basically from scratch) the ideology (national-socialism), the party (DAP), the paramilitary force (the SA) and, what was the most important, Der Führer (by transforming the essential nobody into one of the most gifted political entrepreneurs in modern history) capable of doing what had to be done to save Germany, Europe and the Western Civilization from being invaded, occupied and destroyed by the “Bolshevist beast”.

Adolf Hitler ultimately built the military, industrial and economic system (NSDAP, Wehrmacht and the Führerstaat)… but he (predictably) had far too many fatal flaws to so what the Black Sun Society wanted him to do.

First, he was totally uncooperative (let alone manageable) – and ungrateful to boot. A few months after joining DAP (i.e. when he got powerful enough to do it), he severed all ties between the latter and the Thule Society (and hence with The Org and the Black Sun Society).

Consequently, instead of using blueprints developed and provided by the latter, he built his system (i.e. the Third Reich – the Nazi Civilization) according to his own specifications.

With predictable results – the system he created turned out to be unsustainable and failed miserably. And Adolf Hitler turned out to be a typical entrepreneur who (predictably) overloaded himself and ultimately fell apart and perished. Taking with him to the grave all his “children” (i.e. entities that he created).

One did not have to possess supernatural capabilities (although these are helpful) to predict this bleak future of Adolf Hitler and his “babies”. Consequently, it is no surprise at all that right after being unceremoniously dumped (as a used up tool) by Hitler, the Black Sun Society and its partners (offspring actually) to look for “replacement tools”.

And found Heinrich Himmler.

The Right Perspective on Heinrich Himmler and the SS (9)

So then who really created (gave birth to) the Wewelsburg Castle, when, how and why? As I have already stated, occult shrines (including portals of divine energies) MUST be built as such from the very beginning – you can not convert an existing “spiritually neutral” (let alone spiritually alien) structure into an occult object – you must build one from scratch.

Hence, the structure that ultimately (in the 17th century) became the Wewelsburg Castle as we know it, was initially some kind of fortification built sometime in the 9th century AD to protect the newly conquered territories of the Holy Roman Empire from the Hungarians (the “threat from the East”).

By that time, the area has been already Christianized (the nearby town of Paderborn was founded as a bishopric in 799); however, Christianization (conversion of the locals from German paganism to Catholicism) was forced, ruthless and brutal.

Consequently, it would be realistic to assume that the “original Wewelsburg object” was built by Christians in name only. In other words, by German pagans – and built as a pagan shrine (like all shrines, a portal of divine energies of some kind).

Given the well-established fact that Heinrich Himmler wanted to make Wewelsburg not only a shrine, but a spiritual center of his neo-pagan (quasi)religion – based on German paganism, by the way – this theory makes complete sense.

Divine energy can be nurturing – and destructive; can be used to heal and build – but also to murder and destroy and is often associated with thunder and lightning. Hence, the “original Wewelsburg shrine” was most likely dedicated to the god Thor (Donar) – the hammer-wielding pagan deity associated with lightning, thunder, storms, strength… and the protection of mankind.

This theory also makes complete sense given that Heinrich Himmler was known to wear a “Mjölnir pendant”. Mjölnir is the “hammer of Thor” depicted in Norse mythology as one of the most fearsome and powerful weapons in existence, capable of literally leveling mountains.

Like many other defensive structures of that era (the original Wewelsburg – like many pagan shrines – doubled as a fortification), it was eventually destroyed. It did not matter as all building erected in its place would automatically assume its spiritual properties – in other words, will become pagan shrines – and portals of divine energies.

Hence, the next structure constructed on the “Wewelsburg Hill” built by one Earl Friedrich von Arnsberg also became the “divine energy portal” – although it is highly unlikely that any pagan religious ceremonies were ever held there. It certainly helped that the masonry of its predecessor was integrated into the new structure.

In 1123, after the Earl died, the castle was demolished by peasants whom he had (allegedly) oppressed. Happened all the time during the Dark Ages – and even later (in some nations up until early 20th century).

The castle was more or less promptly rebuilt and 1301, another Earl – von Waldeck -sold the “Fortress Wewelsburg” to the then Prince-Bishop of Paderborn. And again, the “old masonry” was integrated into the new building – and the latter became the “divine energy portal”.

From 1301 to 1589, the Prince-Bishops of Paderborn assigned the estate to various liege lords. In its current form, the Wewelsburg was built (rebuilt actually) from 1603 to 1609 as secondary residence for the Prince-Bishops of Paderborn.

The “old masonry” was (again) integrated into the new building – and the latter (again) became the “divine energy portal”. Obviously, the Prince-Bishops were completely unaware of this fact – and even conducted witch trials on the premises of the castle.

To properly function, a pagan shrine (temple) needs one or several priests – and/or priestesses. Actually, every temple does. Consequently, the builders of the Wifilisburg (the original structure), not only built the shrine/fortification, but also created a religious (i.e. occult) organization tightly connected to the structure and tasked with taking care of the “divine energy portal” – and using the latter for spiritual, religious and occult/magical/supernatural purposes.

If we assume that the divine energy transmitted by this portal is the one that a millennium later would be called Vril (which is entirely possible although no direct evidence exists), this organization can be called the Vril Society.

However, there is another possible name for this organization. As a product of Himmler’s remodeling which began in earnest in 1938, a mysterious symbol appeared on the white marble floor of the room (Obergruppenführersaal – “SS General’s Hall”) directly above the crypt (the most spiritually powerful element) of the North Tower of the Wewelsburg Tower.

Although the symbol is commonly known as Die Schwarze Sonne (The Black Sun), it is actually dark greenish in color. It consists of 12 radially overlaid symbols similar (but not identical) to Sig (“Victory”) runes (a “double Sig” was the official logo of the SS).

Nobody knows where this symbol came from, who created it and what was its’ significance for the SS and its Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler. And the Obergruppenführersaal in the North Tower of the Wewelsburg Castle is the only place not only in Germany, but in the entire world where the Black Sun symbol can be found.

Hence it would be reasonable to assume that Heinrich Himmler was introduced to this symbol (and convinced of its significance) by the High Priests (or simply the priests) of the Wewelsburg shrine. And that the Black Sun is the symbol of their organization – the symbol that possesses enormous powers… but only within not just the walls of the Wewelsburg castle, but its North Tower only.

Which makes a lot of sense as quite a few historians (including Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke – the #1 expert on Nazi occultism) traced the origins of the Black Sun to decorative Merovingian disks (Zierscheibe) – a kind of metal jewelry thought to have been worn as pendants attached to the tunica, or as part of a belt pouch.

The Merovingian dynasty was the ruling family of the Franks from the middle of the 5th century until 751 (about a century prior to the erection of the initial pagan shrine/fortification on the “Wewelsburg Hill”).

Hence this “Wewelsburg Society of Priests” could also be referred to as “the Black Sun Society”.

The Right Perspective on Heinrich Himmler and the SS (8)

In the popular mind, the “Wewelsburg mysticism” associates exclusively with Heinrich Himmler and his SS. In other words, even those who professionally research the “Nazi Occultism” (let alone “conspiracy buffs” and other amateurs) sincerely believe that the Wewelsburg Castle was initially just a regular castle – just like any other in Europe – converted by Himmler and Karl Maria Wiligut (his informal advisor on everything occult) into some kind of an occult (neo-pagan) temple.

This common perception of Wewelsburg is a mistake. A big mistake. An enormous mistake. Because you simply can not transform a “regular”, “ordinary” castle into an occult object (let alone temple). The occult simply does not work that way – the object MUST be created for the occult purposes. For mystical, psychic, spiritual, paranormal, supernatural purposes.

I have been to Wewelsburg – in fact, quite recently, in March of 2018. I am very spiritually sensitive (in fact, I have some not insignificant psychic/paranormal powers) and from this experience I can state without a shadow of a doubt – the Wewelsburg Castle is a very, very spiritually and supernaturally powerful structure.

Far more powerful than even St. Paul’s Cathedral in London or the Sacré-Cœur (Sacred Heart) Basilica in Paris – both extremely spiritually powerful Christian temples (and Christianity is the most spiritually powerful religion – by far).

It feels as (and IMHO, undoubtedly is) a wide and incredibly powerful portal of supernatural, divine energies that connects our world (more specifically, its soul – the so-called egregore of our civilization) to the Divine Source of these energies. Similar (but not identical) to Divine Grace (every Christian church – especially the Catholic one) is a portal of Divine Grace.

And it was built this way. It was designed and built as the “divine energy portal” – Himmler and Wiligut only amplified its spiritual powers. Both wanted to make it the Mittelpunkt der Welt – “center of the world” – and thus to connect the latter to the Divine Source of extremely powerful (and possibly even salvific) spiritual energies.

Officially, in its current form (a unique triangular shape), the Wewelsburg Castle was completed in 1609 to serve as the secondary residence for the Prince-Bishops of Paderborn (a prince-bishop is a bishop who is also the civil ruler of some secular principality and sovereignty and thus has both civilian and ecclesiastical power over the territory in question).

Interestingly, the castle was destroyed (sometimes almost completely) – and then rebuilt – several times. It was as if some kind of power wanted it to be erased from the face of the Earth for good; but another power wanted it to stay where it was – and function exactly as it was supposed to.

In 1646, the Wewelsburg Castle was occupied and then razed by Swedish troops[3], by the army commanded by General Carl Gustav Wrangel. After 1650, the mostly destroyed castle was rebuilt by Prince-Bishop Theodor Adolf von der Recke and his successor Ferdinand von Fürstenberg.

During the 18th and 19th centuries, the castle fell progressively into ruin. On 11 January 1815, the North Tower (the most spiritually powerful component and thus the core of the Wewelsburg Castle) was gutted by a fire that was started by a lightning strike; only the outer walls remained.

In 1924, the castle became the property of the district of Büren and was changed into a cultural center. By 1925, the castle had been renovated into a local museum, banquet hall, restaurant and youth hostel (it still is).

In 1932, the local head of the district authority (Landrat) ordered about seventy members of the FAD (Freiwilliger Arbeitsdienst – voluntary labor service), to be housed at the Wewelsburg. In the fall of 1933 (i.e. already after the Nazis came to power), negotiations to set up a full-sized FAD camp of over two hundred men in the castle failed.

When I walked the corridors and rooms of the Wewelsburg Castle (especially in its North Tower), I had a profound feeling that the castle was not made (built), but born. Born as a living being. Because it was ALIVE.

It lived – and did not care a damn thing about its “superficial functionality”. It did its job – served as a powerful portal of spiritual (and possibly even salvific) divine energies.

And it was waiting. Waiting for someone who would increase its spiritual power by the order of magnitude at least. For someone who would make the castle the most powerful spiritual portal by far.

It was waiting for Heinrich Himmler.

The Right Perspective on Heinrich Himmler and the SS (5)

The ten-million-lives (given the mass-murderous exploits of the SS) question is: Who on Earth were “They”? In other words, who were the real founders and principals of the Thule Society? Where did they come from? How did they operate and to what ends (in addition to protecting the human civilization from existential threats, of course). 

It appears that the Thule Society (i.e., the Germanenorden Walvater of the Holy Grail) was but a front for another organization (which may or may not have something to do with the even more mysterious – and very possibly fictional – Vril Society). The name of this organization is not known and most likely will never be known, consequently, I will refer to it (for the sake of brevity) as simply The Org.

The “parent society” (i.e. the Germanenorden proper) was not in any way associated with The Org. However, there were several reasons why The Org chose the Germanenorden as the parent for their “front entity” (i.e. the Thule Society).

The first reason was, obviously, its official name. The Germanenorden was referred to as Germanic or Teutonic Order which made it (at least in its name) the descendant of the original (Christian) Teutonic Order (Deutscher Orden).

Two primary objectives of the latter were (1) protection of the Western Civilization from the pagan threat from the East; and (2) acquisition and colonization of the Lebensraum in the East (the latter included conversion to Catholicism of Old Prussians and other nations).

By the time of the inauguration of the Thule Society (August of 1918), it was obvious that Bolshevist Russia (located to the East of the Western Civilization) did present the genuinely existential threat to the latter. Hence, choosing the society related (at least in its name) to the one whose fundamental objective was to protect the latter from the former made complete sense.

The second reason was, alas, the virulent antisemitism of founders, principals and members of Germanenorden. It appears that The Org (i.e., its founders, leaders and members) sincerely (and incorrectly) believed in the Judeo-Bolshevist nature of the (very real) existential threat to Germany, Europe and the whole Western Civilization.

For at least one reason – Karl Marx, the founder of Marxism and thus of Bolshevism (Russian Marxism) was a Jew. As were just about all key Bolsheviks – Leon Trotsky (de-facto Commander-in-Chief of the Red Army and the leader of the Bolshevist revolution in the Russian Capital), Comintern leader Grigory Zinoviev and many, many others.

In reality, all these characters were outcasts (i.e. by the standards of the Jewish community, not Jews at all) and this community was one of the most severely persecuted social groups in the Soviet Russia. And thus the Jewish Bolsheviks not only had nothing to do with the “Jewish people” but (being committed internationalists, atheists and materialists) but were sworn enemies of the latter.

There could have been another, more profound reason for the anti-Semitism of The Org. One of the features that attracted them in Germanenorden was its symbol – a swastika superimposed on a Christian cross.

Founders of the Germanenorden (and the principals of The Org) were smart enough to understand that the Christian roots of the Western Civilization MUST be preserved for the latter to survive and prosper. And must be supplemented – not replaced – by neo-paganism.

Although the latter was supposed to play the leading role – hence the occult swastika on the Christian cross, not the other way around. However, the swastika had a dual nature – in pre-Nazi years it was also a minor Christian symbol (Adolf Hitler first encountered it on the wall of a very Catholic Lambach Abbey).

Judging by its activities (carried out via the Thule Society), The Org was a pretty radical group (to put it mildly). Consequently, it can be inferred that its ideology was quite radical as well. The latter statement is supported by the fact that they created entities that preached and practiced a highly radical Nazi ideology.

Hence, it could be inferred, that the anti-Semitism of The Org was both Christian in nature and radical (to put it mildly). According to radical Christian anti-Semites (of both Catholic and Protestant variety), by rejected Christ as their Messiah, the Jews as the nation (not only as a religious community, but as a nation/race as well) they rejected God the Father as well (i.e. completely severed spiritual connection with the latter).

Consequently, radical Christian anti-Semites believe that Judaism (more specifically, Rabbinical Judaism) practiced by the Jewish community at the time was NOT the religion of the Old Testament, but a completely different one.

More specifically, they believe that by rejecting God’s Son and Our Savior Jesus Christ (who openly stated that there was – and still is – no way to God the Father other than through Him), the Jews stopped worshipping God of the Old Testament, severed all spiritual connections with Him… and started not only worshipping, but also serving the Devil.

Serving Satan by doing all sorts of horrible things – including the persecution of early Christians (which was either carried out or at least instigated by the Jews). The radical Christians also believed that the Mashiach (the Jewish Messiah) was no other than the Anti-Christ described in New Testament Book of Revelation.

Therefore, radical Christian anti-Semites believed that the ultimate objective of the Jews (“Global Jewry”, “Jewish Race”, etc.) is to (1) destroy the Western civilization; and (2) transform it into a genuine Hell on Earth – e.g. the global Bolshevist state – Union of Soviet Socialist Republic.

According to these beliefs, ALL Jews are – conscious or unconscious – servants of Satan. All of them – men, women and children of all ages. Hence, every Jew is a sworn enemy that must be defeated – every Jewish man, woman and child.

Obviously, there are only two ways of defeating each and every one of these “servants of Satan” – deportation (or forced emigration) or physical liquidation. Murder, in other words.

Actually, the second option was preferable to the radical Christian anti-Semites, because (in their highly incorrect opinion), the Jews could serve the Devil even from the outside of the Western Civilization. In other words, for them “the only acceptable Jew was a dead Jew”. Regardless of gender, age, etc.

Consequently, it is highly probable that The Org (which after the official dissolution of the Thule Society directly influenced Heinrich Himmler and his SS) did to a certain extent instigate “the Holocaust project”.

As well as other murderous and destructive activities of the SS aimed at significantly weakening the “Bolshevist beast” – i.e. the humongous Soviet military-industrial and economic system. And thus protecting Germany, Europe and the whole Western Civilization from the “Judeo-Bolshevist” existential threat.

But the objectives and activities of The Org were about much, much more than protection of Germany, Europe and the whole Western Civilization.

The Right Perspective on Heinrich Himmler and the SS (4)

The Thule Society was officially inaugurated on August 18th, 1918 – less than a year after the Bolshevist party seized power in Russia (and the outbreak of a devastating Civil War in Russia) – and exactly a month after the Bolsheviks murdered in cold blood the whole royal family of the now gone Russian Empire.

And six months after the Founding Congress of Communist International (Comintern). The latter organization was established by the Bolsheviks (Russian Marxists) and had but one objective.

Invade, conquer and destroy the Western (and subsequently the whole human) civilization and transform it into a global totalitarian Bolshevist state – the worldwide Union of Socialist Soviet Republics (symptomatically, there was no reference to Russia in the name of this Bolshevist state).

Which automatically made Bolshevism and its incarnation in flesh and blood (then still the Soviet Russia – the USSR will be announced three and a half years later) a genuinely existential threat. To Germany, to Europe, to the Western Civilization – and to the whole humankind.

Characteristically, the Founding Congress of Comintern opened with a tribute to Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg, who just two months earlier unsuccessfully tried to Bolshevize Germany – and ended up murdered by the Freikorps (who had a very dim view of the “Red Idea”). Their Spartacus League (subsequently renamed the Communist Party of Germany) was one of the key founders of Comintern.

Obviously, you can fight an idea only with an idea; ideology only with an ideology; a political party only with a political party; a state only with a state and a system only with a system.

Moreover, at the time a totalitarian ideology, party, state and the system could be successfully fought by (and defeated) only by totalitarian ideology, party, state and the system.

And a totalitarian idea (i.e., vision) – only by a totalitarian idea (vision) as well. For a very simple reason – after the devastating Great War the Western liberal democracies were way too weak emotionally and spiritually to fight another large-scale war (in other words, they had no stomach for it).

The real principals of the Thule Society were firmly committed to at least protecting Germany, Europe, the Western (and ultimately the whole human) civilization from this existential threat. And to (ideally) eliminating this existential threat altogether.

To achieve these highly noble objectives, they needed all of the above (plus, obviously, the leaders of the genius caliber). And that’s exactly what they did – by founding the DAP, performing the transfiguration of Adolf Hitler and suppling him with resources (human, financial, etc.) that he needed to create the system powerful enough to successfully fight (and defeat) the mighty Bolshevist beast.

And Himmler’s SS was in their plans a very important (if not the key) component of the Nazi System. The Nazi State. The Nazi Germany. The Third Reich. The whole unique Nazi civilization.

But that was a (relatively) short-term objective. The Thule Society had another one. The long-term one. The very long-term one.

The Thule principals knew for a fact that (1) Bolshevism would be not the last existential threat to Germany, Europe and the Western Civilization (and the whole human civilization); and (2) that when it shows up, the liberal democracies would again be unable – for one reason or another – to protect all of the above (let alone destroy the threat).

They also had no illusions about Adolf Hitler and his creations – the Nazi Party and the Nazi State (the Führerstaat). In other words, about the whole Nazi system.

Adolf Hitler was a genius – no doubt about that. Dark genius, criminal genius, but a genius nevertheless. He was also a mystic – and very possible had some genuinely supernatural capabilities.

However, he was still a very typical entrepreneur (a political one, but still an entrepreneur) – with just about all typical vices, deficiencies and sins (in a broad sense) of an entrepreneur.

To make his or her creation a long-term success (let alone the one that would last for a thousand years), an entrepreneur in question MUST at the appropriate point in time relinquish control over his or her “baby” to professional management (ideally the best there is).

In the case of a political entrepreneur – to civilian and military management. Otherwise he (at that time it was always a “he”) would inevitably overload oneself, start committing horrendous blunders that would ultimately destroy all creations of the entrepreneur in question – one way or the other. And that’s precisely what happened to Adolf Hitler, his party, his state and his whole civilization.

Consequently, to protect Germany, Europe and the whole Western and human civilization from the inevitable next existential threat, the Thule principals needed an organization.

A unique organization – an embryo of sorts – that had the potential to become a new civilization. A new system capable of protecting all of the above from the next existential threat.

They needed the SS. 

The Right Perspective on Heinrich Himmler and the SS (3)

Let’s start with the origins. It is a well-established historical fact that “Thule” (officially founded on August 8th, 1918) is but a cover name for the Bavarian chapter (province/lodge) of the organization officially known as the Germanenorden Walvater of the Holy Grail.

The latter was the “schismatic” (whatever it meant in that context) offshoot of the Germanenorden (Germanic or Teutonic Order) – an occultist and völkisch secret society founded in Berlin in 1912.

Officially by one by Theodor Fritsch (a publisher and journalist and an ardent anti-Semite) and several prominent German occultists including Philipp Stauff, who held office in the Guido von List Society and High Armanen Order as well as Hermann Pohl, who became the Germanenorden’s first leader (chancellor).

It was the latter who four years later defected from Fritsch et al., joined forces with Rudolf von Sebottendorff (born Rudolf Glauer) and founded the Germanenorden Walvater of the Holy Grail.

Now let’s think about the coincidence (some coincidence, if you ask me). Since his early teens at least, Heinrich Himmler wanted to create a reincarnation of the original Teutonic Order – but adapted to very different realities of the early XX    century. And ultimately succeeds – but the reincarnation (the SS Black Order) is based on the neo-pagan quasi-religion, not Christianity (as was the original one).

The Thule Society was but a cover name for the Germanenorden – the “new” (and occult) Teutonic Order… and the founding father of the Nazi Party and (indirectly) the Nazi State. And, of course, the father of sorts of the “new” (i.e. post-transfiguration) Adolf Hitler – Der Führer of Nazi Party, the Nazi State and the whole Nazi civilization – the Third Reich.

Heinrich Himmler was not just the member of NSDAP – he held the highest rank (Reichsleiter) in the Nazi Party. And was the Reichsfuhrer of the SS – the key component of the Nazi system (and undoubtedly the second most powerful individual).

From his early teens (at least) Himmler was interested in the occult, mysticism, German paganism and Völkisch stuff of all sorts. And not just believed – but acted on these beliefs (Ahnenerbe, Wewelsburg, hunt for Holy Grail, etc.). With the ultimate objective of building another civilization – the SS-Staat where Christianity will be replaced with the neo-pagan (quasi)religion.

The SS was born in exactly the same year (1925) the Thule Society was (officially) dissolved. In 1919-22 he studied agronomy in Munich where Thule Society was headquartered.

Do you believe in such incredible coincidences? I do not. Although there is no hard evidence that Himmler was a member of a Thule Society (or even attended its open meetings as a guest), there is plenty of circumstantial.

First, in April of 1919, Heinrich Himmler joined Freikorps Oberland – just recently founded by no other than Rudolf von Sebottendorf – founder and president of Thule Society. And stayed there for full two months (in the support position).

Second, his genuinely quantum leap (in 1923-24) from being a devout Catholic to not only a dedicated and energetic proponent and preacher of neo-pagan beliefs but a de-facto sworn enemy of Christianity was way too dramatic to have occurred without some powerful external influence.

Third, it is obvious that Heinrich Himmler underwent at least a transformation (and possibly a transfiguration), albeit at a later date and at a much younger age than Adolf Hitler.

Because nothing, absolutely nothing in his life prior to his early (and even late) 20s suggested that he was a genius of the caliber that was capable of creating SS (the state-within-a-state and the most powerful organization in modern – if not the whole human – history). And of becoming the second most powerful (and definitely the most feared) individual in the Third Reich.

It is far more likely that he was quietly and unobtrusively mentored by some of the “shadow” members of the Thule Society who provided him with the blueprint, the inspiration (the drive) and guidance for transforming the tiny (and very functionally limited) SS that he inherited from his predecessors into the “empire within empire”.

And, finally, some historians (including Himmler’s biographer Peter Padfield) claim that Ernst Röhm (the individual who brought Himmler into the Nazi Party) was a secret member of the Thule Society – and acted on the guidance (if not on direct orders) of Thule principals.

Secret societies such as Thule are always looking for promising new recruits (or at least collaborators). The ones that have “potential for greatness” and are thus capable of becoming highly useful, powerful and thus valuable tools in projects pursued by the society in question (in this case, by the Thule Society).

Hence, it is highly likely that sometime in late spring or early summer of 1919, Rudolf von Sebottendorf (or someone else from Thule leadership) noticed Heinrich Himmler – more precisely, the political, managerial and entrepreneurial potential of the future SS-Reichsfuhrer.

And, of course, assigned a “covert mentor” to the latter. This mentor (whose identity is unknown and most likely will never be known), quietly and unobtrusively educated Himmler in politics, management, ideology, the occult and other vitally important subjects.

Then they brought Himmler into the Nazi party (in August of 1923), made him a standard-bearer during the Beer Hall Putsch in November of 1923 (a critically important, highly visible and deeply honorable assignment) and subsequently helped him make an impressive career in the Nazi Party (and subsequently in the SS).

Just a year after joining NSDAP, Himmler became the secretary (in reality, a highly influential position) to Gregor Strasser – the second most influential Nazi politician (after Adolf Hitler, of course).

A few months later, Himmler became Strasser’s deputy (Deputy Gauleiter) of Lower Bavaria. As Strasser had many other – and more important – responsibilities, Himmler became de-facto Gauleiter (Party Leader) of Lower Bavaria.

A year and a half later, Himmler was given another very important position – deputy head of Propaganda for the whole Germany (i.e. second only to Goebbels). By that time, he was already a member of the SS (for the Party officials, it was common to have several positions – and thus the responsibility areas).

Not surprisingly (being the Deputy Gauleiter of Lower Bavaria, Himmler became the leader of the SS in the Gau of Lower Bavaria with the rank of Truppführer (sergeant first class). At that time, he was in command of just 15 SS-men (out of about 200 in the whole Germany).

A year later, in 1927, the SS was still but a small bodyguard unit. Unlike the large SA (loyal to the Party and its ideology), the elite SS was fiercely loyal to Adolf Hitler personal. And – like many bodyguard units – was his personal weapon (in addition to its duties of protecting Adolf Hitler and other Nazi leaders).

Sometime in September of 1927, Himmler presented to Adolf Hitler (whom he knew personally from at least the failed Beer Hall Putsch) his vision of transforming the SS into something much more important and valuable for the Nazi ideology.

A racially pure (of course) key instrument for implementing the racial policies of Nazi Party (and of Hitler personally). In other words, for making Hitler’s plans of building a “racial utopia” a reality.

It is entirely possible, of course, that Himmler developed these ideas all by himself. However, it is far more likely that these ideas had been planted into his heart, mind and soul by his shadow Thule mentors (handlers).

Regardless, Der Führer was sufficiently impressed with Himmler’s vision to promote the latter to the position of Deputy Reichsführer-SS, with the rank of SS-Oberführer (subsequently equivalent to senior colonel in the Army).

Two years later, Himmler became the SS-Reichsfuhrer and thus got the power that he needed to transform his (or Thule’s) vision into reality. His elevation to absolute power in the SS (given to him by the omnipresent and all-important Führer) had nothing to do with Thule support.

He did not need it – his predecessor Erhard Heiden failed miserably in his position as the leader of the SS. The membership of the SS declined from 1000 to 280 and its relationship with the SA (the former was still technically a part of the latter) were strained at best. Allegations of corruption and business associations with the Jews did not help either.

So it is no surprise that in January of 1929 Heiden was dismissed from his position and replaced by Heinrich Himmler. Looks like there was till something fishy about the whole affair because after the Nazis came to power in January 1933, Heiden was arrested by the Gestapo. On orders from Himmler, he was murdered later that year by officers of Heydrich’s SD.

Now what would the Thule Society need Heinrich Himmler and (now his) SS for?

The Right Perspective on Heinrich Himmler and the SS (2)

What exactly was the Thule Society? The honest truth is that (1) we do not know and (2) we most likely will never know. For a very simple reason – Thule was a very much secret society and all secret societies have both public (open) and covert (secret) components. Layers. Faces. Tiers.

Many (Thule included) have even three – one for the “general public” (non-members); one for “general members” and one for the principals. Obviously, only the latter knew the real objectives, projects, tools, etc. of the society in question (i.e. what exactly was going on and for which ends).

It is also a very common feature among the secret society that the “official” (formal, declared) and real leaders and managers of the society (i.e. who really run things and call the shots) are often two very different groups. In many cases, the latter are totally unknown even to “ordinary members” (let alone to “general public” of non-members).

All we know is that Thule Society was (unlike just about all secret societies) a very powerful entity. Possibly (very likely, actually) the most powerful secret society in modern history (if not the whole human history).

After all, it was powerful enough not only to play a significant (some claim the key) role in bringing down the so-called Bavarian Soviet Republic in May of 1919, but to bring about a whole new civilization (and a highly powerful influential one, to put it mildly). The Nazi Germany. The Third Reich.

The Thule Society not only created the DAP (later re-christened NSDAP – the Nazi Party), but provided it with generous funds, highly valuable and powerful connections… and even its own newspaper – the (in)famous Völkischer Beobachter.

It also supplied the DAP with key personnel – Rudolf Hess (deputy Führer and for all practical purposes co-author of Mein Kampf), Alfred Rosenberg (chief Nazi ideologist among other important functions), Hans Frank (Reichsminister without portfolio, head of the National Socialist Jurists Association and President of the Academy of German Law.), , Gottfried Feder (main author of the “25 points” program of the Nazi Party and its key economic theoretician) and, of course, Dietrich Eckart (Adolf Hitler’s political mentor and imagemaker) and others.

But probably the most significant (and the most mysterious) exploits of the Thule Society was the transfiguration of Adolf Hitler from essentially nobody, outcast, misfit, hopeless loser into one of the most (if not the most) powerful, accomplished and influential orators, political entrepreneurs and statesmen of the XX century (if not in the whole modern history).

Who were the real founders and principals of the Thule Society (clownish von Sebottendorff was obviously just a figurehead, a “public face” of the groups)? Again, we do not know – and we will most likely never know.

There is some speculation that the Thule Society was a tool (and a front of sorts) of the even more mysterious Vril Society. However, there is little (if any) evidence for that and even the very existence of the latter is questionable.

All we know is that the real founders of the Thule Society were very well-connected and very, very powerful – in term of political, economic and even military (paramilitary, to be more precise) power.

Why then would these highly powerful and well-connected Great Unknowns choose still very young Heinrich Himmler (in 1920 he just turned twenty) as their alternative tool (alternative to Adolf Hitler that is).

To find the answer to this all important question, we need to understand both the fundamental objectives of the Thule Society – and its mysterious origins.