The Black Sun Society: the 7-Point Program (9)

Another feature shared by both liberalism and Bolshevism (and the one that presents a genuinely existential threat to Western Civilization) is the relentless pursuit of economic equality.

Both Bolshevism and liberalism understand economic equality as imposition (yes, this shit can only be imposed on the society by force – and then not for long) of roughly equal living standards (in terms of material possessions) on all members of society – regardless of the amount of aggregate value (financial, functional, emotional and spiritual) they create for the latter.

Attempts to implement this idea (in Russia, Cuba, North Korea, Communist China and in some other nations) produced disastrous results. Catastrophic. Murderous. And, of course created societies far more unequal than the one they replaced.

In reality, the only equality that can (and must) be established (and maintained) is social equality. More specifically:

  1. Every citizen – regardless of his or her social group – MUST place the interests of the nation, country and society above his or her own
  2. Consequently, every citizen MUST make the maximum possible contribution to all of the above in terms of aggregate value (financial, functional, emotional and spiritual)
  3. There will be no “private schools for the rich”; admission to the elite schools will be done on basis of individual merit, not social status (or wealth of one’s parents)
  4. Every citizen will be provided by the state with sufficient resources to “be the best one can be” (in other words, to maximize his or her aggregate value – generating potential)
  5. Every citizen MUST join the youth organization (the modern equivalents of Hitler Youth or BDM) on a strictly equal basis (i.e. no class privileges and all promotions and awards must be earned in a fierce and fair competition with others)
  6. Every citizen MUST serve his/her country in its Armed Forces, police or other paramilitary organization (i.e. special units of Die Neue SS) for one year (the specific placement will be determined strictly by personal aptitude, not by social status)
  7. Every citizen MUST serve his/her country in a civilian position (e.g. in the Civil Service Corps) for one year (the specific placement will be determined strictly by personal aptitude, not by social status)
  8. All compensation will be based exclusively on the amount of aggregate value generated by the individual in question
  9. There will be only one source of the national elite – Die Neue SS – where recruitment will be based strictly only on one’s personal merit (that would be the crucial difference from the “original SS” where the “purity of blood” was a vital criterion)
  10. All managerial and professional positions will be filled in a completely transparent manner (via Direct Democracy Portal), based on one’s abilities and in fair competition with other applicants

Now that’s real equality.

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