Proof that Holocaust Did Happen – Auschwitz (2)

It is a well-established historical fact that the SS destroyed most of the documents that contain incriminating information about what was going on inside Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Fortunately for genuine historians (and unfortunately for Holocaust deniers), the perpetrators failed to destroy important documents related to key facilities in these camps. Important and valuable because these documents contain “criminal traces” (i.e. evidence of major crimes committed in Auschwitz-Birkenau).

These documents are presented (and analyzed in sufficient detail) in an excellent book “Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers” by Jean-Claude Pressac. As my work is about much more than just the Auschwitz-Birkenau gas chambers, I will provide only the summary of his findings.

In a nutshell, these “slips” by the authors of these documents (as Jean-Claude Pressac calls these “criminal traces”) prove beyond the reasonable doubt that crematoria in Auschwitz-Birkenau were converted from their original benign function (cremation of bodies of inmates who have died from natural causes) into mass murder systems (“conveyors of death”).

More specifically, by adding to initial industrial-size cremation facilities gas chambers (camouflaged as shower rooms) and undressing rooms (cellars, to be more precise as both were underground structures).

These documents – various items of correspondence between administration of death camps and civilian contractors and other official SS documents, form a convincing body of circumstantial evidence (i.e. are capable of convincing then impartial jury to come up with a “guilty” verdict in a murder trial).

This evidence clearly indicates the presence in the four Birkenau Krematorien (II, III, IV and V) of gas chambers where a prussic acid disinfestation agent sold under the name of “Zyklon-B” was used.

True, none of these documents states “in black and white” that any one of these gas chambers was used for homicidal purposes, but both logic and common sense dictate (scream actually) that mass murder of human beings could have been its only possible function.

The first document is an inventory of equipment installed in Krema (Krematorium) III – an important component in the official set of documents prepared for the official transfer of the Krema III building to the camp administration.

This inventory indicates that the equipment installed in Leichenkeller 1 (morgue 1) included one “gasdichte Tür” (one gas-tight door) and fourteen Brausen (14 showers).

Actually, fourteen dummy showers (in reality, just showerheads), because detailed blueprints of the installation clearly demonstrate that none of these showerheads was connected to a water pipe.

The latter statement (that the showers were fake) is further confirmed by a very simple calculation. The average area covered by a shower head is slightly less than two square meters  – according to the blueprints for the two shower installations at the Stammlager (POW camp), and for three at Birkenau.

Consequently, Leichenkeller 1 of Krematorium III, with a floor area of 210m2, should have had 115 shower heads, not fourteen that were FITTED, because seven wooden bases to which similar shower heads were fitted are still visible in the ruins of the ceiling of L-keller 1 of Krema II (a “mirror image” of the same facility in Krema III).

This very much tangible evidence can lead to one and only one conclusion – that Leichenkeller 1 of Krematorium III (and thus by extension of any other crematorium in the camp) could be only one thing – a homicidal gas chamber disguised as the shower facility.

Cut and dry, plain and simple, loud and clear. Actually, in another camp document (dated January 29th, 1943), L-keller 1 was openly named Vergasungskeller (gassing cellar)…

This document was actually a letter (progress report on construction of Krema II) sent by SS-Hauptsturmführer Karl Bischoff, then the chief of the Bauleitung (Auschwitz Waffen SS and Police Central Construction Office) to SS-Gruppenführer Hans Kammler (then in charge of design and construction of all concentration and extermination camps in Nazi-controlled territory in SS-WVHA – SS Main Economic and Administrative Main Office).  

The progress report enclosed with the letter makes it possible. through a process of elimination (based on facts, logic and common sense), to establish that Bischoff uses Vergasungskeller to designate the “Leichenkeller 1” (“morgue 1”) of Krematorium II in Birkenau.

You think it can not get clearer than that? Think again. Because the same document explicitly states that the facility in question (L-Keller 1) contained… the devices for introducing Zyklon-B into the chamber in question.

More specifically, four Drahtnetzeinschiebvorrichtung (wire mesh insertion devices), each equipped with a Holzblend (gas-tight wooden cover). These devices were, indeed, installed – which was confirmed by the aerial photos taken by the American reconnaissance planes on August 24th, 1944.

At the time, Zyklon-B (a widely used insecticide based on hydrogen cyanide – HCN or prussic acid) was stored and used in the form of small pellets of calcium sulphate, an inexpensive industrial absorbent (in this case, an absorbant substrate for prussic acid).  

Consequently, it is obvious that the abovementioned wire mesh column with a cover could serve only for pouring the pellets of HCN into the chamber in question. The mesh retained the solid pellets and allowed the gas to diffuse – killing every living being inside in minutes.

This mesh was described in perfect detail by former camp prisoners who were employed in the SS-owned and operated DAW (Deutsche Ausrüstungswerke – German Equipment Works) metalworking shop … and made these murder weapons (for all practical purposes).

One thought on “Proof that Holocaust Did Happen – Auschwitz (2)

  1. Thanks for writing against denial. Every time I publish about the holocaust, I get comments from holocaust deniers with “prove” (YouTube videos) of it being wrong. In Germany holocaust denial is a crime.


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