Adolf Hitler and Christianity (2)

Hitlers-Christianity-WEBWe have no idea, what were Hitler’s religious beliefs and how well they matched Christian doctrine prior to his adulthood (statements of numerous “witnesses” are highly unreliable, to put it mildly).

However, we can be pretty certain of two facts. First, Adolf Hitler was definitely not a religious child, or young adult, or adult. In other words, religion was not really important to him – his interests, ambitions, aspirations were 100% in this life.

And second, he viewed religion (i.e., religious doctrine) and the corresponding Church as but a tool to achieve political and/or social objectives. In Mein Kampf, he stated it loud and clear:

“The political leader… should ask himself whether there be any practical substitute [to an established religion]… which is demonstrably better. Until such a substitute be available, only fools and criminals would think of abolishing existing religion.”

On numerous occasions he stated that national-socialism was definitely NOT a religion, but strictly a political movement and a political ideology. Which by its very nature COULD NOT satisfy the spiritual needs of the population as the latter was an exclusive domain of a religion.

Furthermore, Adolf Hitler had no desire to establish a new religion (or revive the “old one” for that matter). Consequently, he both explicitly (in his famous “25 Points” program of the Nazi Party) and implicitly stated that Nazi Germany would remain a Christian nation for good.

Which automatically meant that despite a very real Kirchenkampf (political struggle with Catholic and Protestant Churches), neither the Christian Church (of any major denomination) nor the Christianity itself was in a mortal danger in Greater Germany or in German-occupied territories.

Which can lead us to one and only one theological conclusion. Stalin and the Nazis wanted to annihilate Christianity and the Christian Church and destroy the Christian civilization. Hitler and the Nazis, although committed to limit the Church to taking care of the salvation of the souls in the afterlife (which is actually the raison d’être of a Christian Church anyway) leaving “this life” to the Nazi government, viewed the Church as the vital component of the society worthy of support and protection.

Hence, it was obvious that Hitler and the Nazis were (reluctant) servants of the Christian God while Stalin and the Bolsheviks were (unconscious) servants of the Devil.

Consequently, the Second Great War on the Eastern front was, indeed, the war between Forces of Light (Army of God), represented by the Wehrmacht, Waffen SS and their allies (all of which fought under Christian insignia) and the Forces of Darkness (Army of Satan), represented by the Red Army of the Bolshevist Soviet Union and their allies. War on the Western front was, of course, a different matter entirely (there just about the opposite was true).

However, it did not prevent Adolf Hitler from being highly critical of Christianity (actually, from taking a rather dim view of its doctrine). As he always viewed religion as subordinate to political ideology (actually, a tool of the latter), it is no wonder that his attitude to Christian beliefs was shaped primarily by his fierce nationalism and ferocious anti-Semitism (Judeophobia, actually).

The latter ultimately led him to a deep, sincere (and, of course, completely erroneous) belief that Christianity – as well as the Holy Bible – was but a collection of fairy tales written by the Jews to be used as a tool for world domination. And a powerful weapon in the existential was with the “Aryan race”.

Curiously, Hitler actually had an unexpectedly positive view of Jesus Christ (probably a leftover from his Catholic childhood). First of all, he perceived Jesus not as a Jew (who the latter technically was because he was the son of a Jewish mother) but as an… Aryan. And an ardent anti-Semite to boot.

Actually, both of these views (statements, actually) made some sense. First, Jesus was a demi-God, a hybrid of a human mother and… well, God. In other words, he belonged to a very different species for which the very concept of nationality was not exactly applicable. Hence, perceiving Jesus as Aryan could very well have been as correct as perceiving him as a Jew.

And His statements about the Jews were… well, harsh (to put it mildly). And thus could very well be perceived as anti-Semitic. Especially by such a rabid anti-Semite as Adolf Hitler.

However, it was not the only problem that Adolf Hitler had with Christianity. Another very serious problem was the Sermon on the Mount and similar commandments of Jesus Christ.

Adolf Hitler was a warrior – always. Even before he joined the Bavarian Army in 1914 and went on to fight (with bravery above and beyond the call of duty) on the Western front.

He believed (correctly) that his beloved Germany and the whole “Aryan Civilization” (Western Civilization, actually) was fighting an existential war with Bolshevism (which he incorrectly viewed as a part of the global “Jewish conspiracy”).

To win this war, the Forces of Light (i.e. Aryans) needed a ruthless military ideology… which was completely contrary (not just alien, but contrary) to the Christian doctrine.

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, blessed are the meek, blessed are the peacemakers”… these were all who were definitely NOT blessed in Hitler’s opinion. And for a very good reason – such attitude will get you killed on a battlefield in no time (most likely, even before you arrived at the battlefield).

To win an existential war, you had to be exactly the opposite – rich and powerful in spirit, bold, brave, assertive (even overbearing) and willing to wage war (i.e. launch a pre-emptive strike on your enemy) to save yourself and your loved ones from slavery or destruction by your opponent.

“Do not resist an evil person” is, well, suicidal in an existential war. So is “if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also”. A true warrior reacts in a different way – hits the adversary so hard that cripples or even kills him right there on the spot. Ensuring that he never again hurts you or your loved ones.

“And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well” is another sure way for a suicide of an individual, a nation and the whole Western Civilization in an existential war. So is “if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles”, of course.

“Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”… that’s how the wars are lost, not won. To win the war (especially an existential war), you and your troops must be driven by overwhelming, all-consuming, white-hot hatred aimed straight at your adversary.

“Forgiving your enemies”… yes, probably, but only after you have killed them. The latter part is attributable to no other than Joseph Stalin and is very much true.

“Do not judge, or you too will be judged” does not work in politics and government at all – let alone on a battlefield. In reality, if you run a political campaign, the government (let alone an army) you have to judge all the time – and be correct most of the time.

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened

Now that’s a blatant lie – if there was one (in reality, God lies through His teeth all the time – and the New Testament is no exception). Human history (and individual lives) prove again and again, and beyond the reasonable doubt, that you only get what you take by force. Often a brutal force – physical, mental, intellectual, political, government, military, etc.

“How much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!”

As it turns out, nothing. You get only what you fight for – and take by force – not what you ask for. This is as true nowadays as it was in Hitler’s time. Hence, he viewed the New Testament (and the Old Testament as well – most of the time) as the collection not only of fairy tales (which often contain a lot of truth), but of blatant and very dangerous lies.

In short, Hitler’s perception of Christianity (which is a religion of New Testament) as any true warrior – especially a decorated soldier that came back alive (and reasonably well) from the hellish insanity of the Western front of the Great War.

With zero (if not negative) respect for Jesus Christ, his disciples, apostles, etc. Whom he perceived as mere weaklings and cowards who go around spreading very dangerous lies.

Lies invented by the Jews, no doubt, to weaken their Aryan opponents and win the existential war (which in his opinion made the whole Christianity thing but a large-scale disinformation campaign and a powerful tool in a ruthless psychological warfare).

Still, being a shrewd politician, he had a completely pragmatic attitude towards the Christian Church – and build his relationships with the latter accordingly.

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