Executive Summary of the Guide (3)

27. Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was signed by the Bolshevist Soviet Union and Nazi Germany for exactly the same reason – both wanted to launch a surprise attack on the other party and thus needed a common border

28. Nazi Germany did not start World War II; on September 1st, 1939 it started a local military conflict with the neighboring Poland. The Second World War was started on September 3rd, 1939 when Great Britain and France declared war on Germany (which automatically transformed a local conflict into a global war)

29. The decision to declare war on Germany proved to be disastrous for both Britain and France – both ceased to be global superpowers after the war and France was defeated, occupied (twice) and devastated by the war

30. The Soviet Union entered the Second World War on September 17th, 1939 (when the Red Army attacked Poland) as a de-facto ally of Nazi Germany (and was its de-facto ally until June 22nd, 1941)

31. Nazi Germany war with Poland was a colonial war for Lebensraum (“living space”) and, therefore, a crime. However, to save itself (and the whole Western Civilization) from being destroyed by Bolsheviks, it had to defeat the Soviet Union in a preventive blitzkrieg. Consequently, it had no other choice but to invade Poland (and subsequently the Soviet Union)

32. Hitler invaded France in May of 1940 to win the war declared by France on Germany. He invaded all other European nations (Low Countries, Denmark, Norway, Greece, Albania and Yugoslavia) and North Africa because of a purely military necessity

33. Stalin was to invade Germany via occupied Poland no later than during the last week of June (there is evidence that it was about to happen on June 23rd). Consequently, Hitler beat him by just a few days (and possibly even by a few hours)

34. Germany could have won a war of attrition with Allies had it developed three key Wunderwaffen (which was very difficult, but possible with concentration of all available resources on just three projects) – (a) an atom bomb; (b) the Horten XVIII – class intercontinental jet bomber

35. As was the case in the previous Great War, the Allies did not win World War II. Nazi Germany (more precisely, its Führer Adolf Hitler) lost it by committing a whole string of strategic blunders – and horrible crimes (totally unnecessary and highly harmful to Nazi war efforts)

36. Both the Axis Powers and the Allies committed horrible war crimes during World War II. Consequently, World War II was essentially the war between two teams of serial mass murderers – the team of Jack the Ripper, Andrei Chikatilo and the Zodiac and the team of Fritz Haarmann and Shoko Asahara

37. British and American armed forces did liberate Western Europe; however, the Red Army did not liberate Eastern Europe. It simply replaced one tyranny (“brown”) with the other (“red”) – and the latter was not always better for the occupied nations than the former

38. The Western Allies (the USA, Great Britain, France, etc.) did not liberate Germany either. They forced the so-called “denazification” upon them and thus did not allow them to choose freely the political system for Germany (out of fear that genuinely free choice would have kept the Nazi political, economic and social system as even in 1945 it was far more popular in Germany than any other)

39. The July 20th 1944 plotters had very little support in German Wehrmacht; practically no support among Germans and precisely no support by Allies. Consequently, their coup was doomed to fail. For the same reason, all Resistance activities in Germany were a waste of highly valuable human life

40. Conferences in Yalta and Potsdam divided Europe between victorious Allies – Great Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union. Consequently, they were fundamentally identical to the infamous Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (and were a betrayal of Eastern Europe by the USA and Great Britain)

41. Victory of Nazi Germany in World War II in the fall of 1941 (a very real possibility) would have saved tens of millions of human lives and almost certainly would have resulted in the elimination of Nazi regime via a military coup. Consequently, the Allied victory was not necessarily the best outcome of the Second World War


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